[QUOTE="Sandvichman"] Yep, because i see no reason to buy the ''real version''
Aside from better graphics and player count, custom servers, less lag and more accurate controls?
more players = mess, slightly better graphics dont make the game more fun, custom servers mostly suck and console controls are fine. as for lag, how will pc version have less lag?
You have no clue what you are talking about and just a persistent troll, Bf2 and 2142 was awesome with 64 players, bf2 was only a nade spam cause what each player started with like 7 nades, it had nothing to do with the amount of players. LOL custom servers suck? hahah. Keep crying or buy a pc. Sounds like some consolite is just butt hurt that they have smaller maps and less players, then you guys go back to arguing which whether the ps3 or 360 has better multiplatform games when the differences are marginal.
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