Its actually the recons fault usually, if there are more than 2 recons that is robbing the attackers of valuable players to assault the mcoms with. Also the class is called recon, in the history of battlefield it has never been called sniper always recon or scout. Recons also have more than a sniper rifle in their kit; pistol, motion mines, c4/mortar. I am a medic and heal all the time, the most points are in healing anyways and it helps out my team so i am happy. You should learn how to play the class you consider yourself an "expert" in before criticizing other.
NanoMan88's forum posts
Well shooting games used to be hardcore, counterstrike and quake come to mind, hell I would even say bf942
Why are the infantry models so bad
Which devs should call it the year?
The shogun 2 devs?
The Witcher 2 devs?
The Battlefield 3 devs?
Cause they all look better than crysis 2 and uncharted 3
The man responsible for the most important PC shooters likes a kiddy console game best? Oh noes, teh traitor! :lol:
That was a time when consoles were consoles instead of wanna be pcs
I have to agree with the TC and I am a hermit
CS was really good but its a mod not really created by valve
I really dont see the appeal of TF2, I thought it was really boring and the paying for weapons thing just made it worse
Portal was good but really short
L4d1 and 2 got old quick I would never pay more than the 6$ i paid for it
HL2 was the most boring game I played in my life, I never even got around to beating it and this is with the cinamatic mod
I love valve for steam but their games are meh
Also I find it funny when cod devs use the same engine in there games they are called lazy, but when valve does it everyone still worships them. For the love of god the source engine is like almost a decade old!
Also, PC gamers like to cite the fact that pirated console versions of games are released before PC versions. This proves nothing as what really matters is the degree to which it is downloaded and used not the date at which it was released. We all know pirating PC games is much easier than consoles, where you pretty much need to mod it to make it work. PC is a more pirate-friendly platform. It attracts more piracy and developers lose more money because of it. Yet for some reason the PC crowd refuses to accept this.
Pirated copy =/= lost sale. Used copy = lost sale. Only possible on consoles. U MAD!?
Its just as easy to pirate on consoles. Load up an SD card with required files, throw it in your PS3/Wii, and your done! Load up your external or DVDs with pirated games. You can find some dude on craigslist who'll load everything on your 360 for like 20 bucks plus some games. Thats even easier. Theres even no installing or wondering if your system can handle it. What is easier again? And what can be more pirate friendly when your security for games is all the same, yet you must change it (Or go in the right direction and completely ignore any kind of DRM) for every PC game.
Are you honestly claiming that going on Craigslist, going to the trouble of finding someone who will do that, grabbing your hardware, physically hauling it to his house (or having him come to yours) the PAYING him $20 bucks to upload pirated games is just as easy as clicking a link on a torrent site, downloading, then installing? Are you joking? It's an immense hassle in comparison.
What is easier again?
He still has a point about just loading games on sd cards and pirated copy =/= lost sale while used copy= lost sale. Despite what you think is legitimate or not, to developers used game sales are as bad as piracy if not worse.
Games like Crysis 2, Dead Space 2, and DA2 look fine on console running at 30FPS, w/ no AA, at 720p.
It may be fine to you but to other's it looks like a blurry mess and crap compared to crystal quality of 1080P. Some people are fine with DVD's quality but other's would much prefer to watch moviesin the crystal clear quality Blu-ray 1080P. They just have higher standards.
Dont bother its like explaining color to a blind person
How about all of them because the bottom line is all they care about is your money
If you want realistic burn your ps3 and play arma2.
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