Uncharted 2 is a truly phenomenal, polished, piece of work that deserved all the praise it received. There was no competition? What a joke. It was a very strong year in gaming.
Hermits, Lemmings and Cows of System wars, lets have a moment of peace an armistice if you will and like the Battlefield page on facebook, if it gets the 1 million views they will release the full 12min trailer. After it is released we can go back to arguing which version with be superior /cough pc.
The mind blowing came 2006 with Gears on console & Crysis for PC in 2007 - after those key titles this gen for visuals, there has been nothing since that has been mind blowing as it's been all small improvements if any at all. :P
I'm wishing for a new powah console in 2012 but perhaps 2013 will have to do.
I swear this is the only gen where games look worse overtime, how has nothing surpassed Crysis a 2007 game? BF3 is our only hope
Who cares? Graphics look great in all of these games.. What we need is better gameplay, replayable content, and longevity.. Its a travesty this gen that games like God of War 3 which sold for $60 can do well with a game time running of 6 to 10 hours with little to no replaybility. sSubZerOo
Its funny how everyone calls MW2 out for its short campaign and completely ignore god of war 3 which only has a short sp campaign.
halo odst takes the crown of most overrated game this gen
but uncharted 2 is definitely second. i enjoyed the game, but it was nothing special. 8.5 at best. the graphics were and still are amazing, but beyond that (and maybe the story), the game is pretty average.
i must say though that the part at the end where you have to run across the bridge is definitely one of the coolest things i've ever played/seen in a video game. lets hope uc3 has more of those moments
The game is one of the most overrated games I have ever played. The characters seemed better than most but the script was terrible, the story was also bland and predictable. The worst though is the gameplay it was just plain boring, maybe it was the lackluster shooting with enemies taking way too many shots but being dumb as a bag of doorknobs, or maybe it was the mediocre platforming segments where after playing games like assassins creed and prince of persia I was left asking why did they even bother to include it. Im not saying its a bad game but to me its just average, I will not get into the horrid MP which takes no skill. Something tells me if this game was multiplatform it would be just average, however since its a ps3 exclusive the cows seemed desperate early on to make some game the face of the ps3, UC2 with its high production values and excellent gfx somehow winded on top.
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