@sleepnsurf: Not if $ony has anything to say about it. Luckily a few of us (with Prime of course) were able to get the game at $39.99 at launch, but kiss that goodbye for a while.
I love the fact people keep bashing the PS4 release for the crashes when Uncharted 4 was having crash problems the same exact way. Whereas a good portion of people like myself haven't had any crashes or any other problems.
@getbent57: With the new update? I haven't been able to test it yet. Mine was running fine before, but clearly had a lot of stuttering issues, but game was still playable. Are stutters at least fixed?
@jyml8582: This is typical new-age gamer bullshit! You have no idea what was implemented in order to achieve what they did for such a small team. ALL the assets in the game had to be created just like any other game; textures had to be made, all the props for the flora and fauna also had to be made and that all had to be implemented into the algorithm. As well as the basic A.I. the game uses and all the gameplay elements also ALL had to be coded to work. The game isn't just plug in this superformula and voila we have our game....it took WORK....like 3 years of non-stop work!!
@sodapoppimpski: Well you clearly did just blame it on Sony and Hello Games for the reason as to why people would want to get the game early on launch, you DID make that clear; and in all honesty, they really shouldn't have the right to complain.....they can complain, but do it in a mirror. Adults, being as to who you are singling out here, should have in all good conscience the better understanding as to why they are making a viable purchase. Then to simply state that the "hype" is what gives them the right to complain. I can understand the bad optimization on the PC release as a means to complain for perhaps a refund, but over the "hype" and what YOU thought the game was going to be!!! That is what makes 0 sense.
@sodapoppimpski: Well then that is their own damn fault. I don't remember anyone telling me that this was the greatest thing ever. "Hype" is only what YOU make it. I got the game the first day (at a discount mind you-- I do research) and that was totally my decision, because I knew what this was going into it. I was clearly interested in the technology behind it and wanted to see that first-hand....I knew (because Sean Murray had said it a hundred times) this game was all about exploration and gathering resources; nothing more-- I was invested from there and I've enjoyed every second of it. There are people who play Minecraft and WoW, Second Life, etc and use their time with the game as an example of progression....actually knowing what they are doing is making a difference to your character, and they enjoy that. Everyone has their own opinion and I can respect that, but don't bash the aspects of something you should have clearly known going into it and then blaming it on "hype"!
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