@Printul_Noptii I don't know, I've been playing Destiny and so far a 6 feels just about right for what I've experienced. It's beautiful, sure, but the story seems incomprehensible and the characters feel like simply a costume and a voice lacking any real memorable character.
The fact that you retread the same map over and over and over again as you complete near identical tasks (hold square and then defeat three waves) that are simply set apart by some random technobabble doesn't help the vanilla feel.
Honestly, I see the reasons why many MMOs release with subscription fee still these days. From a monetization standpoint, there really isn't much incentive to not capitalize upon player interest at the time of release when marketing is most prevalent, and to leverage those subscription fees and player investment as long as possible until the market deems it's more valuable to become free-to-play. Granted, many games leverage the player goodwill into massive profits from mass audiences using a free-to-play at release model (e.g. Dota 2, Team Fortress 2, etc.), but for games that charge both an entrance fee and a subscription fee, doesn't it feel like it's leaving money on the table to not monetize subscription fees as long as possible at launch? And many players seem to prefer to have the less dedicated weened out by the cost of entry.
It feels like this is the way many games who release currently under the base cost + subscription model seem to chose to monetize their games, using subscription as long as possible so they can maximize their revenue as much as possible while interest is high, and then switch to a F2P model later in the tail of the decline of the playerbase to increase player numbers and monetize the game that way.
Been waiting to hear the Kevin VanOrd take on this title. Fascinating to hear the way the game responds naturally to actions rather than using a morality gauge. It sounds like the writing really shone through, which makes me even more intrigued about this game.
Well, I sure can't connect to the Games for Windows Live client by any means to download any of my previous purchases, so I'd say that seems pretty shut down to me.
It looks like they've kept the in-game DRM check going, but they might have shut down the download and client services.
Necrotron's comments