@dani_i89 @CyberSteak But it all comes down to the details. If the game can maintain a sense of wonder throughout it's gameplay experience, it will stand out above all of those other games. I, for one, am still considerably interested in it.
@amaneuvering GameSpot seems to leave room for the truly great games to shine. 7 is a 'good' game. 10 is a masterpiece. I actually prefer their score system, as not every game that executes well gets an automatic 9, so it's easier to pick out the games that stand above the pack.
Yeah, that Battlemode certainly does sound weak, but I'm glad to hear they've retooled the power-ups in a way that good driving is rewarded from the get go.
It sounds like while this may be yet more Mario Kart, it sounds like it at least matched and reached that goal of what we wanted from it, mostly.
Been watching GameSpot for nearly all of that (had a couple account changes as I realized pathosfire was a dumb username, and whatever I had before that)! It's been a great ride, and I look forward to much more.
I think I keep hoping for more from this series than they seem to want to provide, though this release seems to live up to more of it's potential than the first.
Necrotron's comments