So this is going to be my first blog since January. I want to be more involved in the Gamespot community like I was years ago. Let's see if I can hang in there and not slack.
It has been a great week for gamers and there have been a ton of titles released that are worthy of your time. I currently picked up Dragon Age: Inquisition and Far Cry 4. My time has been limited with both games since life has been getting in the way. I'm hoping that over the weekend I can dive in!
The good news is that I received an MSI Gaming GTX 970 for my PC to replace the Radeon R9 270x that was in my system. I am glad that I went with Nvidia and I have seen a drastic improvements in performance across the board. Even though AMD will be releasing something new the first quarter of 2015, if you get a GTX 970 or 980 I bet you won't be disappointed.

I picked up the new drivers for Nvidia that targeted the release of both DAI and FC4. Now I am ready to go! My first 15 minutes of Far Cry 4 reminds me of the previous game in the series. I am not entirely sure if that's a bad or a good thing; but there's no denying that the 3rd installment was great. I'm definitely looking forward to some co-op! One thing noticeable is that the visuals are sweet like candy.
What can I say about Dragon Age: Inquisition? Call me jaded but I was initially put off at some of it's design with the tactical view in combat. Especially how it handles with a mouse and keyboard. A lot of that has to do with Inquisition being released on the Xbox One and Playstation 4. The interface is also geared more to playing with a controller. The game effects are beautiful and it doesn't look bad at all.
Playing Inquisition made me realize something even more. I want Final Fantasy XV! It's been years since I've actually had excitement for a Final Fantasy game, let alone a Japanese RPG. These past couple of months have given me new hope. I have so many questions about it. Is the game a seamless open-world or is it zoned, will they bring it to PC, how does the evade/dodge mechanic work, and can I ride a Chocobo instead of a car? While I can be optimistic about it, at the same time I need to reserve my judgement.
But clearly Square Enix has been getting their priorities straight this year with some reorganization in management. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is a perfect example of revitalization. They also are projected to finish the year well. But us gamers still have to wait. Like Noctis said in the most recent trailer of Final Fantasy XV:
"It's been a long time coming. . .
Almost there."

Note. Yoko Shimomura is the biggest female composer in the videogame industry right now. She's getting her first shot at Final Fantasy. The two pieces in the trailer are called Militis Vagus and Gratia Mundi. And if they are any indication of the music quality, we should not be disappointed. I love how it ends with the Prelude theme common in almost every title. That brings a smile to my face.
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