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#1 NeoMerlin
Member since 2009 • 85 Posts

[QUOTE="TheGrat1"]Exclusives are not the only things that matter. When comparting lineups, totals are what counts, not whether the games are exclusive or not. The PS3 has 7 more AAAs, 5 fewer AAs, and 1 more A. These are facts. The PS3 won.Silverbond

Total libraries only count? Have you always used total libraries? Have you only used total libraries?

That's honestly the first time I've heard that. Perhaps it's because it suits your argument?

Attention everybody: Please use only evidence that supports Silverbond's argument.
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#2 NeoMerlin
Member since 2009 • 85 Posts
I'd like to see a proper console version of the Pokemon games. Not Pokemon Stadium, not Pokemon ranger, not this new fangled one where you are a pokemon, not pokemon snap. I'm talking Pokemon Blue style thing. A real, Pokemon RPG making good use of what a console can do. That seems unlikely to happen as it is, but for it to be on PS3? Boy, I'm really dreaming big now. Other than that? I guess a remake of Final Fantasy 5 would be nice. I'd say Left 4 Dead but we're getting the sequel anyway. Actually, you know what? I'd just be happy if Rockstar would finish Red Dead Redemption. That's what I want to come out for PS3.
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#3 NeoMerlin
Member since 2009 • 85 Posts
You prove nothing by making an argument that ignores half the issue. 'Nuff said.
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#4 NeoMerlin
Member since 2009 • 85 Posts
Wow, that's some pretty amazing rhetoric you've got going on there. Good work. No, seriously, you impressed me with them fancy werds an all dat! But once we dig past all your pretty language, your clever beating us to the punch on calling you a fanboy and that nice, good willed preaching, we actually come to the core of the matter and that seems be that I've wasted my time reading. You first lost me with the statement "Saying the PS3 won 2009 is like saying the PS3 won the whole gen." Here is my well thought out and clever rebutle: No. Let's play Mr. Fixit. Here's what your statement should read: "Saying the PS3 won 2009 is like saying the PS3 won 2009." Someone who talks as perdy as you should understand a concept like that. Now if someone, say me (and I know I am a lesser being than you, sir) wanted to say the PS3 won the gen, I'd say something like "The PS3 won the gen." Of course I'm not going to make a statement like that. I'll make a similar one though. "July 10th was the best year in 2011." Don't you think it's just a little silly to talk about who has one the gen this early in the game? Generally nothing is won until it's over. So we'll pick this up when the PS3 is battling with the X-Box 360 kickflip and the Nintendo "please forgive us for the wii". Now it took me a while to swim through the rest of that lemon and lime flavoured, sparkling language of yours but I eventually dived down deep and found that shiny pearl that is the heart of your argument. The PC is winning because even though the PS3 has a select few of better rated games, the PC has a broader spectrum of good games even if none were quite as good as a few on the PS3. Well damn! I certainly can't fault that. Or can I? Surely it's a thrilling mystery worthy of Hitchcock. To conclude: No. Here's why the PC doesn't win. The PC is inconvenient. It's just not worth it to play games on the PC when I can have just as much fun, and sometimes more fun, on my PS3. Or on my DS. Or on a trampoline. Things that don't require large amounts of effort to play with. Let's count the number of times I've needed to update the hardware in my PS3 sinse I bought it or the number of times I've needed to search for the latest driver for a game. Or how about the number of times my PS3 has said "**** you, I'm not playing that." just because the graphics hardware came from the wrong maker. I stopped PC gaming the moment I got my PS3 and I've never looked back. If these silly system wars were all about the video games, we wouldn't have them. I'll admit they're the most important factor to consider but there are other ones you've done a damned fine job of ignoring. Like convenience, expense, usability - the ability to play the games you buy. But there's no accounting for taste, is there? And whether or not you like it (or want to admit it) your entire post is over flowing with personal preference and opinion. You're not Sgt Friday and these are not Just The Facts(tm). I'll close with a question. In all dem dar amazing PC games how many have you played and how many do you agree got the rating they deserve? I looked at those big fancy spread sheets and I only wish I could play all those games and make judgement. It's certainly a lot more fun than letting Gamespot do it for me.