I'm more on the edge of my seat (or maybe on the edge of my mirror) for the new Castlevania game and for DCUO. Not that Darkseiders doesn't look AWESOME, though.
NeoMerlin's forum posts
The PS1 was the first system I owned. Not the first I played but it was the first console I could call my own and it was the first time I had a collection of games I could call my own. So there's a little bit of nostalgia working for Sony there. It's also a reliability thing. Let me count the number of Sony gaming consoles that have broken or failed or disappointed: None! So why change now?
But most importantly, it's the games. Final Fantasy has been on Playstation sinse 7 and even though the series is beginning to show signs of withering and dying, I'm waiting to see how it goes. The same with Resident Evil - although that series has already withered and died. But those two aside, the Playstation 1 and 2 had countless games put out on it that looked good to me and I expected the same things from the PS3. So far, I haven't been disappointed.
I think I really knew I'd made the right console choice (for me) was when inFamous came out. That game blew me away with its awesomeness and I could only play it on PS3. So there you go. The reason I got my PS3 was a history of satisfaction, knowing people who already had it that I could connect with, and an eye on the future releases. An informed, non-fanboyish judgement.
Little Big Planet is a lot of fun with lots of things to do but I tend to play it only a little bit at a time. If you like platformers or artsy games it is good and either way it's a good game to try at least once. But the best game I've played on PS3 so far is inFamous. I love the hell out of this game and I very strongly recommend it if you like any of the following things:
Comics and Comic book Super Heroes
Silver Age Science
Well implimented moral choice systems
Memorable games
Other than that? I hear Uncharted is good. Avoid Ass's Creed 1 and maybe go right on to 2 if you're interested in the series. Demon's Souls is excellent if you like a fair but challening game. Killzone is a nice choice if you're into First Person Shooters. If it's just the shooting and not the first person, Uncharted is probably a better option all together. Just... Yeah. inFamous kicks a lot of ass.
Batman: Arkham Asylumn and inFamous.
Think about it. The gameplay of inFamous was great and could really lend itself to the adventures of the Caped Crusader. Swap out the parkour for his grappling hook, change the shock power to batterang and other such gadgets. Oh, and if we used the Arkham Asylumn meele combat, that'd be cool too. Now as for story... Wait a second...
What happens if we swap Moira for Oracle and Cole for Batman. We leave the destroyed city, the gangs, the taking territory and - Whoa! We've got a No Man's Land game. This idea is even cooler than it was when I first thought of it.
Option 1: Tell her to get over it. It might seem like OMFGWTF terrible that your son pretends his finger is a gun sometimes but let's be realistic. Every little boy in the world is obsessed with guns and violence. It's in those old hunter genetics of ours. No child is going to become a deranged killer based on 'Uncharted'. You can't escape violence. What's the most popular kids show at the moment? Ben 10 - A show about a child becoming a bunch of monsters for the sole purpose of violence. Ben 10 is everywhere. Yes, that's still violence. Stop trying to shelter your child and give him some credit. Put the violence in context for him.
Everyone here raise your hand if you played something violent as a child. Mortal Kombat, Doom, Duke Nukem, Jazz Jackrabit, Splatterhouse, Castlevania, Resident Evil? When I was about five years old I was obsessed with Terminator and used to go around pretending I was the Terminator. Do you know what I do now that I'm all grown up? I work in child care!
Violent entertainment is not a problem if you're doing your job and being a parent. And that's not something you're doing by hiding the world from your child.
Option 2: Play whatever games you want. Just wait until the kid is in bed.
Well now you know.
And knowing is half the battle!
Well, look at that. Of course I'm not surprised considering The Divine Comedy is one of the most famous and theologically influential pieces of fiction ever written. You've got to expect a reference to it pops up from time to time.
Funny you should ask, I wrote a review for it this morning. For more info, I suggest you read it.
But in a nut shell the game is a lot of fun. Nothing I would call "original" but it feels new enough and there's a lot to do in it. There are better games and in the open world catagory inFamous comes to mind quickly but I'd take the Saboteur over Ass's Creed and if nothing else the game has one of the most stylish settings to date.
No! I had never seen your pic. But now I have!Holy guacamole!!!!!
Have you seen my pic!!!!
So excited!!!!
But do you have a link to prove it!!!
Let me see if I can find where I saw it...
The two games I regret spending money on the most are "Pirates of The Carribean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow" it was cheap, I was looking for something multiplayer and I had a moment of weakness because I liked Pirates of The Carribean and I forgot that games tied to movies tend to suck in a big way.
The second is F.E.A.R - another one I got when it was going cheap but it's still money I could have spent somewhere much better. F.E.A.R may be the most disappointing game I've ever played. Such a shame.
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