i say wait till the gtx 590 is released and compare the 6690 with it and make your decision from there being you want to spend 700$
Neo_revolution7's forum posts
How about just two 590's ?
I would imagine the user would require a generator to run it.
Two 6970 or even 570s has plenty of kick already for 2560x resolution especially since your not going to go with the tri monitor setup.
or a dual psu setup :p
This could be really interesting stuff. With a expected launch date around early 2012. Amd has really got there work cut out!!
if it is true then it will be worth the wait, and i will keep my i7-920 until then.
thats why we chose i7' 920's and 930's at our house. 8 threads, 4 cores and apparently easy to OC. i figured programs were going for multicore instead of faster and faster cores. still i doubt i'll be upgrading by 2012 anyway, maybe 2013 (might have to be paying for kids by then ;)!!!!)
by then i still won't have kids lol, But as far as upgrading goes i'm most likly going to upgrade to an asus board and maybe get a gpu waterblock/Bay res for my system ;)
This could be really interesting stuff. With a expected launch date around early 2012. Amd has really got there work cut out!!
if it is true then it will be worth the wait, and i will keep my i7-920 until then.
For STARTERS, post all your parts. Everything from the case, down to the power supply. Elann2008
yes i agree with this and also i doubt your H70 Doesn't fit it should have come with the bracket for your mobo unless the person who helped you out messed up. :?
geeks 3d has made some predictions and their not pretty regarding the gf110 dual gpu.
small numbers.. the gtx 590/595 (whichever it may be called in the end) will need only the finest cuts from the die.
this is to prevent problems with the cards power consumption. with power control off on a single gtx 580 power req. shoot up to over 300 watts so.. you can imagine what 2 would do.. (700 watts zomg)
there will not be many they think and they also believe that three power connectors will be necissary.. break you yourpiggy banks and hammers kiddies if yo want one.. you may bee needing a whole new psu!
i'm ready to break my piggy bank :)
Modern Warfare 2 would perform better but Black Ops is the better game IMO
between the two Black ops is overrated : / i still play it but the game is a bitglitchy and laggy.
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