They're hardly going to come out and say their own product is dead are they, to be frank the game line up after the next few months is looking rather barren.
Newhopes' forum posts
Probably counting everybody who has played a game of mine sweeper and solitaire.
I think it's safe to say the Vita is well and truly dead and buried now.
Really dull repetitive game doubt I'll be playing for more than a week or 2.
I'm Scottish and I vote yes. Still I'm very close almost half and half but when I think how much money the UK spends on England that doesn't reach Scotland then I have to vote yes, sure we get free education(used to) and the Scottish government funds millions of private healthcare for patients who need specialized treatment and whatever but its not enough, we have the oil, the land the heritage and its all drowned by England's influence. I want it gone.
Scotland has far more spent on it compared to how much is contributes in taxes, last year for example £47 billion paid in taxes compared to £65 billion in public spending.
Don't know why they play up the oil card so much north sea oil is near enough exhausted production rates are plummeting.
Been English I don't really care either way.
But Scotland will definitely be worse off financially if they do and several countries have already said they'd veto a independent Scotland joining the EU.
Not very close apart from immediate family and grandmother on my mothers side, the rest we see them on special occasions but thats about it.
See no reason to buy a 8th gen console not much I want to play coming out or even announced for that matter.
It comes down to the library, where I find the Vita has regularly outdone the 3DS in numerous genres. It also has better games, period. That's more because the 3DS has one of the worst libraries I've ever seen on any system ever.
Vita library sucks 95% of it's games I can buy on systems I already own and the other 5% aren't even that great, Personally even though I got it cheap the vita has been one of my worst gaming purchases in the last decade.
How can they "steal" land from "Palestine"?
Palestine isn't even a state. The only reference to Palestine in history, calls it "the land of the Jews".
That land used to be called Canaan, and it consisted of two countries - Israel and Judah - both of which were Jewish countries.
Muslims didn't even exist back then. Muslims are the new kids on the block, and they stole most of the middle east from other groups of people.
Last Jewish state in the area was 2000 years ago LOL.
In any case, what is your point?
Should we hand the UK back to the Celts or the US back to the native americans while your at it.
That is a question which is not relevant to this thread at all and deals with an issue I am not interested in whatsoever. Try to remain on topic, and don't answer my question with a completely unrelated question.
Furthermore it is impossible to give back anything to the Celts as the Celts does not exist anymore.
Scots,Welsh and Irish are Celts.
But going by your own logic the Jewish people of those kingdoms no longer exist.
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