Nick_Fury_Shine's comments

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@BoogieL0ve Some people hear what they want to hear, however some people want to hear other opinions, nobody is forcing anybody to do this, but you have to keep in mind where the bounders are then you work as a reviewer and how your opinions and feelings are presented to everyone reading. If it is unclear unstructured and not backed by solid arguments you essentially give ground to people that want to oppose you.

Quite frankly i think all reviewers should pack it altogether. There are countless bloggers streaming quality video gameplay of countless of games everyday. Watching them you can tell what emotions they go over and how they accept the game, and if you are smart you can compare yourself with them and conclude if the game would appeal to your persona.

Actually we shouldn't focus on this one review there at least a 100 as we speak, thus defending this one or even talking about the community on this one is irrelevant in the bigger picture.

It was interesting following the comments you left behind, varying from complete denial, minor disdain, going over lots of Argumentum ad hominem and ending up with rhetorical questions and hypocrite statements contradicting yourself from earlier. You must of had a hard day I understand.

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@BoogieL0ve Are you not a gamer yourself ? Is your attitude any different that that of the people who you talk against ?

You seem very fond of the words ''condom failure'' with a total disrespect of life or for human beings. Words are heavier than stones and you throw them without hesitation. What people do in their free time is their own right.

It was to be expected that Feedbacula would only breed more trolls in here because by default they crave attention, and what better way to do that than to make an entire show about them. If you honestly thought this would be an enlightening journey for some people you were completely oblivious to the major crowds on GS or any gaming site. Some gamers have more manners and respect than you make then out to be you throw the banner over everybody in the hope someone will cry about it. The fact is that you need to accept those people and fight them on a higher level and not on their level.

A lot of people have anger management problems or even mental states you can not just wave a wand and make it all better.

Trying to fight the collective will result in the collective collectively putting you down.

Actually you are being cute.

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@BoogieL0ve @Skybar Or you can accept that you can not change the mass and that the mass should change the single. True a lot of the comments are trollish and aim to start up a fight but they only work if you actually pay attention to them. If i recall quite a few comments back you were not very civil at all with the insults and the poorly padded accusations you kept throwing at people and users using Argumentum ad hominem. Does that make you a hypocrite ? Maybe. Maybe you should grow up and deal with it. I am unsure what to advice you, I could use your comment from earlier ''go play in traffic'' but that would be too obvious.

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@BoogieL0ve So instead of reading the summary of a very boring and poorly written book I have to waste my time to read the entire book and then conclude that it is not good or that it is just not for me. Hmmmm.

You obviously refuse to accept that the successful compacting of a block of information into a few charts or tables is a good thing. As it is the review is just a block of text of soppy emotions with a random splash of a number at the top, a few screenshots and no structure. And yet again you imply that changing the mass in favor of the single information source and its structure is better than the other way around. The example i can think of in here is that you are shouting at the sheep to walk in a line one by one so they can go in the narrow entrance, when in fact they don't listen and just pile in the small entrances, where as all of that could be avoided if you make the door to the pen bigger.

Probably a true public system can not be applied, but a well informed clearly written system can be made, in a place where a number does not hold such weight and words do.

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

@BoogieL0ve The arguments are improving as i go up, but the initial representation you left earlier still speaks poorly. True two completely different people reviewed the games , however the site does not provide a clear presentation that those two reviews are different and based on different parameters, there is simply no indication. This means that by default the rules for reviewing are the same, there is no breakdown of the score or the parameters it is build on, it is simply a random number based on presumption. A simple way to resolve any of this would of been to say that this review is based on this this and this for this genre and this gameplay. Every reviewer is bias, but if he pads before hand his review there is no way you can say anything about it. What GS does is throwing reviews here and there with random text of feelings and emotion without any actual reasoning based about the game.

And I suppose that presenting yourself as a rude man with a poor argument makes it all the better.

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

@BoogieL0ve @xolivierx I gotta admit the ''realistic'' part was out of place, since this is still a game , but he does add a valid point about exploiting a feature, which was addressed, sending him in traffic might cause an accident, but I'm pretty sure he'll get by while all the people in the traffic will need flowers.

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@BoogieL0ve Oh bedtime stories I love those, tell us another one. Maybe the next one will actually give an alternative other than just burning bridges. It is goot to point out what is bad, but it is just stupid not to have a proposition on how to improve it, besides shouting at people that they need to change for your sake.

You clearly know of the concepts of wisdom and understanding but for some reason you refuse to use them.

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@BoogieL0ve @elbauto I don't know since when is it funny to laugh at people who clearly are fanboys and have problems. Its true that his profanity provides all the info you need about his mental state, but it is also true that you have the need to point it out in a generic attempt to make fun of him and try to make him reply to you for more attention. I guess it is funny but it is more funny laughing at you trying to make it funny.

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@BoogieL0ve @leandrro Why blame humanity, true its ignorant stupid and ungrateful but only because it lacks a clear goal and discipline. Corporations are indeed to blame since they serve the needs of their board of directors, which scratch their heads all day long, while the smarter people trying to get higher offer them their ideas. I know it takes guts to be a businessman but it also doesn't require wits, if you can steal without getting caught you are a genius.

And i suppose you are a gamer since you are on this website as well. But then again critics of others are such fickle little manchildren sometimes...

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@BoogieL0ve So far up in the comments you are 10 lives ahead of him.