Nick_Fury_Shine's comments

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

Once again pencil pushers and corporations try to piss off people around the world. This article only came out here because someone needed a holiday off to compile some simple information and bash it out on Word. This bill is not just against games people, this is one of the first attempts to put a dark velvet over the internet and another way for corporations to pose fear and power over us the simple people. If this goes to a pass we can all kiss goodbye all social media, merchandise websites and game related web pages, because if someone decides to flame EA they can potentially ban him and everything. Example:"Oh you give our games 7/10, and have some objections to graphics and game play, well we will BAN you!" - EA. This is what potentially can happen.

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

2 of 2 PC gaming in 10 years will be where it is now fighting the good fight against dumbing down intellectual property of finely written games so they can be sold to who knows what mutants. No PC gaming won't change, but society will and our perception of it. Unless some1 actually creates a powerful PC system the size of your hand that can be hooked wireless to any monitor mouse keyboard joystick and speakers, which is equipped on max parameters with different colors doesn't overheat because of microchips and is worth only 200 currency marks on any market in the world, maybe then I will pull back my entire statement above.

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

As usually the companies and their public CEO are well prepared to answer generic questions, instead of asking the real questions that the mature community wants to know. Fair enough that's their job. Comparing PC gaming based on the market sales in separate countries seems outdated today the PC world is one whole so lets stick to calling it a "Global Village" , information travels that fast. Of course there is a difference between what different cultures play, it has been breaded to them every step of their life for the past 12 years in which they are surrounded. The better question is what is the ratio between PC vs Console in those parts of the world and their success. I actually liked the quote "Biggest treat is people who go around saying PC gaming is dead" PC's biggest treat are people, trolls and fan boys. Lets remember the distant years where there was no mmo, no fiber optic cables and no consoles of mass destruction, just a simple LAN connection on which we had tons of fun playing Age of Empires, Heroes 3, Diablo, Quake and Return to Monkey Island. PC gaming never went under, corporations just decided to move on to the money making factory that consoles are. Sure sell games for 100 bucks then wonder why people turn to piracy, their massive adverts and hype up videos make people want a product then deny it to them. Thinking about it a game worth 100 bucks a piece well ... that sure pays the bills and fills someone's pocket in those "BIG" companies! 1 of 2

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

Its not just one individual negativity Metacritic : Gamespot charts appear broken but (grey is negativity) I prove that by comparing the chart with that of Max Payne

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

Mass Effect 1 and Dragon age 2 main quest levels/maps; Comparison for the forgetful. ME stats on Eden DA2 starts on the outskirts of Lothering - intro ME goes to The Citadel DA2 goes in Kirkwall - starting the journey ME goes to Noveria, Therum, Ferons DA2 goes to Kirkwall, beach area outside kirkwall, kirkwall ourscirts, Dales camp near Kirkwall (Kirkwall in general really) and a cave - jounrney travels ME goes to Vermire DA2 goes to Kirkwall - culmination, highest point of the story ME goes to Ilos and back to Damaged Citadel - DA2 goes to Kirkwall - FInale Side quests maps compare ME has 6 areas recycled over a few times depending on the local DA2 has Kirkwall and a cave recycled mostly. Mind you same locals as the major plot areas. I'd like to know how exactly is this recycled areas in regards to the main plot development.

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

part 3 Yeah .... uhm as fun this is i'm getting sick but you get the general Idea, also yes people do moan on websites because they got nothing to do but at least we know Bioware "Listens " to us and not our purse. Thank you and Goooodnight!

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

part 2 Ok , oh look the skill-tree looks interesting its actually quite interesting, oh look I get a face for each dialogue i say just so i can remember my days at McDonald where we had a picture instead of a name and prize. Haha i made a joke, but somehow i knew it would be funny ... hey all the replays lead to the same point... i only got some rivalry with my friend, that's good right? Walking walkin walkin !@#$%^&*()_ still walking hmm nothing. I wish we had a base where i can have a chat hear a tale and talk more or even stash my prettiez in a chest .... awww =\. Hey friend what was your name ... aha .... what do you do ... aha you hate templars ....ok .... what was it for you growing as a mage ..... aha you hate templas ..... so why do you hate blood magic oh wait let me guess you hate templars ? yes ? .... YES. Uhm so what else ? Oh you believe in good well sorry i believe in monetary gain much more ... way maybe i will listen to you you make a valid point templars are evil. WAit what ...what do you mean it made no difference so why did i give away my gold .... how are we going to buy you clothes .... oh you dun need any why ? oh i see this way i can remember you buy your fancy clothes instead of you shallow personality. Mommy used to say great people by the clothes but send em away by their mind, but she also said dun judge a book by its outside covers......"

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

Part 1 It is true some people have their own opinion, mind you such people nave either never played a RPG or own a console. Yes I actually blame consoles because they are NOT meant to be used for this type of RPG, sure it works for ME2, I'd just wonder to see ow you play Dungeon siege 1 or 2 on it. Consoles is where this DA2 tale starts, ofc like all real RPG games they are developed first for PC then they come out for the rest, however in DA2 a small group of money - hungry and dazzled Tevinter mages called Bioware development team tried to enter the Golden City of fast fortune(yes i use their own game reference to the original sin). They thought that all the power they hold will give them control over the minds of ordinary people using rushed blood magic game. Some people singing the chant of Bioware say this isn't good only because we compare it with its founding father DAO. Ok lets say DAO never existed, what comes to mind. "Ohh look at them poor family of refugees running for their lives, oh look some people join us on our way. Woops what happened to the plot why is this hot chick interrogating this drunk dwarf all look our friends ... they have new clothes oh look we pick more friends. Is it just me or is this city a mirrored image of itself in different times of day over and over. Ohh look quest giver , what do you want ? Oh i see i have to buy you a kilo of tomatoes to save you farm ... what in the city ?

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

This is really a horrible way to kill your own creation and on its gave erect a monument to yourself made of lies and greed. DA O had potential, it reminded us that there is some hope left for SINGLE player rpgs. But all was lost thanks to a bunch of people who "listen" to what the audience wants, or more likely listening to their wage payers saying "We need to hook up more people lets make this available to a larger audience scale. NO BIOWARE. You do not make that, you keep up the spirit all your games will end in taters. Take a look at Dungeon Siege (1-2) that's how you make a sequel , the games are simple slaughter, but there is still a great plot with nice quests puzzles and character interaction. Just because half of the world is stupid doesn't mean you have to downgrade games to their lvl. This is gamer rage, because this cycles has happened before with another medium called television or even cartoons. People aren't gonna evolve if they dun have a challenge and that's what's happening you just breastfeed them the same products with no intellectual value.