This has nothing to do with anything else but money. Rockstar just wants to stream its new game onto consoles in order to ensure a proffit. This game was made for PC and not for those toys you call Xbox and PS. In a way this could be considered a discrimination to the targeted audience, since so far every major GTA has had a PC version, if they ignore the demands of the audience for this medium they will loose a lot of potential customers.It's completely another topic that the game was probably never considered for PC and build entirely for stupid consoles, even if they get up and do a PC version it would be a glitchly port like last time. People were dissapointed, and instead of fixing that way of thinking they just dropped it altogether w/o thinking of the consequences.
Anyone talking about piracy dooming games like this , can go die in a forest fire. Piracy keeps the integrity of most games, some games you can't even find on steam or in a store, only piracy can help you there. They spread the word virally. Its not justification, everyone should go buy the game if they wish to support the company and its hard work for something great they did. But in no way in hell can some of the poor people, man up to slap 60-90$ on the table just for a game, let alone if that game turns to be awful, then the money you earned hard each day at work would of been wasted on something you don't even like. There are people that buy games and those that pirate them. But in either case Rockstar can still earn money. Rockstar doesn't even need to make a hard copy of the game anymore (this cuts down manufactoring costs to no end), that's why we all have steam and god knows what other virtual stores. So the topic of piracy is utterly not in place to talk about in here.
Actually you are wrong, open up your books. Scipio comes from no ordinary plebean family he was no mere foot soldier, he is a patricial, a title gained only by birth and not just any patrician, but a member of one of the great patrician families of Rome. As of such he had the rank of officer on the field at the start, only later he alone steped forward asking to gain command of the armies prepared for the invasion of Hispania which was neck deep in carthagian forces, because everyone was afraid to face carthago. He was a tactition at the age of around 17-19 when he saved his father at the battle of Ticinus and he survived the slaughter of Canae. No ordinary person has such luck or skill to survive and live after 3 slaughters yet alone go on to lead the armies at Hispania. Nobody of "thin air" can acomplish what Scipio did at Zama, or at Metaurus.
I'm not saying Hanibal was unskilled, in fact he was great, but he met an equal adversary and you saying Scipio is out of thin air just can not be tolerated. The two always go in pair in stories because of their titanical proportions.
Would you raughter focus on the Etrusca wars, where Rome looks like a swamp, or do you preffer the soap opera down in egypt with cleopatra ? I think it is a great choice for an opener. I suspect they will add more campaigns later on, like the 3rd Greek war, the Siege is Syracusa, Subjucation of Palmyra and ofc the Brittish isles, maybe even the great rebellion of Versengetorix. Who knows, but don't say the Punic wars are boring.
Hannibal didn't slaughter them, proof are the battles at Metaurus and Zama, also he has arrogant in crossing the alps with elephants, he arrieved with a handfull mob of people and a few elephants afterwards. I think you should focus more on Scipio, now he was a monster of a tactitian.
You can get a server tower and a decent spec with uber cooling cheaper than a stupid Mac or even cheaper than an entire justin bieber tour tickets' worth.
What, do you want australian accents ? Or maybe you know authentic Latin well enough to understand what your commander is shouting in the thick of slaughter.
The time of proper voice acting is long gone, thanks to hollywood we all have to listen to the same drivel accents from LA over and over again. It doesn't bother them at all, why should a person talk like a polite educated person, when instead he can be shouting rural swearwords at the top of his voice.
Just be glad english is the international language of the world.
Ok cheating is bad we get it. How about you explain that to the participants and maybe teach them the value of honor and fair play ?
Oh right you can't, because the rest of the world, just like you, is bread and told that if they see a downed person they should kick him in the face and take the money he has. An exploit is a hero's gift after all.
I am actually shocked, it seems some people in the corporate business have a soul, even if they are open for negotiations, you can never be too sure.
But I agree with this dude and I value his guts to stand up from his chair and say the truth that most times DLC is a money sham.
On another note I remember playing Just Cause 1, it was alright and still pretty good. If companies actually took their time to make better games like JC 2 instead of coming up with half-witty bimbo DLC aimed at your pocket, we'd be having some better gaming experience gents.
I want to be honest, I watched one of my friends Play the entire Diablo 2 through. Only after he finished I wanted to get the game. And I did 2 years later lol.
But in general spectating is something people tend to do, it's better than TV because it is live and because you feel more like you are part of the gaming experience without lifting a finger and yet the whole thing still feel interactive. This does not apply to FF 12 where you were basically watching a movie 3/4 of the game -.-.
It is the fact that someone else is playing, you get to judge or agree with him, learn what he knows or how much he doesn't. It is easier to see and hear about the game from a fellow consumer, than to read the prepaid game review in a website.
In general it is entertainment and people enjoy it.
Nick_Fury_Shine's comments