Nick_Fury_Shine's comments

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

Continues ... I'm not defending or smashing the game I'm talking about principle. People feel cheated for their money because their choice doesn't matter. Problem is it is a Game it doesn't matter anyway, its like a book you read once. Accept it freedom of choice has always been an illusion and that is what the game tells you. We all wish to be someone great like Atila or Alexander of Gengis Khan or Napoleon, problem is this is the past this does not happen anymore in this life or age, try to attend to Reality. Also I'd like to know what the hell does G.Lucas have to do with ME3 ... so many people mention him as if he's the Devil or something. Yes he does silly things and he is only human, but blemishing the person gives you no credit w/o him there wouldn't have been a Star Wars, I'd like to hear how many things of his scale have you done in your life in order to judge him. In the end this is just a game, Mass Effect 3 is just a game. Harry Potter is just a book. Star Wars is just a brand. Unless you are a big corporation your voice can't change that. Freedom of speech has become a commodity instead of a moral right, the media use it like a wet mop to wash their hands when poking around people's life, the internet ppl use it as a justification for their idiotic ideas and broken morals, corporations use it to flame each other and politics use it like a pointy stick to beat the opposition. What happened to this world ?

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

I'm done posting in stupid ME3 articles after this. so lets jam all my thoughts in two posts. ME3 looks good, has fast pace and alright navigation, a little better technical tree, returning characters = yay. The story is limping around the corner staggered, you can't explore much, you ready for battle meter is stupid, fan base is shouting abuse and rage, LORE ... and corporation cash in = sad face. I'm buying the game once it drops to 10 bucks. Lets face it you will all forget about this in a few months just like with DA2 and then move on to the next bang wagon you wish to judge. Fact is EA makes money, Bioware is on their leash, the fan base rage generated massive attention to the game and EA marketing loves it because it was all free publicity and they will sell their "Fixed ending " DLC to all these fools on the hook. Yes I love the story too, but just like with sex the third time doesn't feel the same as the first two. Art or not who cares you are all just having the argument for the sake of arguing. By nature Art is chaotic there are no guidelines if there were, those are called templates and that's business not art. Wrong, the artists does what he feels is good and he's not obligated to any audience. Vincent Van Gogh couldn't sell his art and he was poor and today after his death his paintings cost in gold. Continues ...

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

Yet again Bioware and EA are in the news ... dear internet "news" please stop tumble drying the same crap news over and over on the same wash line. You got what you wished for and now you will pay another 15000 points for it, do you all have this weird fetish where you like being ripped off for your money ??! If that is the case I'm selling a full on metal knight knit vest, helmet, halberd, sword, plate armor golem shell with Neon lights, I could use some of your money to buy a house an island a country and a crown of solid platinum. Marketing loves you, you did their campaign for them you up sell their upcoming secret DLC and EA didn't spend a single cent of DLC marketing .... I hope you are all proud. True i disagree with some stuff ME3 did make, but this is out of line, I'm sick of reading about politics, religion, gender orientation, DLC, unhappy endings, fan rage, art critics, game changing petitions, EA, EA, EA, Bioware this and that and fanatical fan base that reverts to violence, abuse and death threats. Do all tweeters and god knows what other media have nothing better to do than tag on a bang wagon about this or that, why does everyone think they are a great reporter/journalist/critic/mental adviser. We Are All Human And We Have Flaws. Stop overstepping your stations and attend to Reality.

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

From the festivities bellow it makes it sound as if you all just got scammed by EA to buy something that has nothing in it. If that is the case EA is laughing right now that their evil plot campaign worked and you are all irrelevant to them. I thought you people stood up for the story, for the story epilogue, for its characters, for the principles of your Shepard. Turns out you all just feel cheated with an X amount of money, what a way to drown a perfectly good opportunity to show the world that intellect matters more than simple papers with signs on them. And all this outbreak rage about the hype that later didn't match your hopes, get a grip it's what everybody in business do today they advertise crap and make it shiny, because it is crap. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with any of you all I'm saying that the motives you portray end up looking like your average TV shop complain list. Fine don't buy any more EA products, I even encourage it, indy game producers need the money more. But be afraid, one day EA may buy you as a slave, as they do with their competition.

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

Slice and dice the game on a surgical table in a dungeon in your spare time. Now the game is utterly awesome, however it represents different things for different people because we are all unique. It is not so much the game that we should look at but the people playing them game. Since we are Human (some of us) and we can think in a cognitive matter and use our imagination (some of us) we can find a 101 uses for lets say a stick w/o even talking about it. The game is just a mean for you to express or discover or develop yourself in a 101 ways. As it happens often if a society is build anew the members of it will start or strive to behave like the rest in order to fill in, and it is usually the strongest personality in that society they will look up to, this happens because of the herd mind instinct. If you don't fit in you are left behind to find another place or to perish. Species with a herd instinct feel safer in a larger group, but if you break that bond then the person would not feel safe anywhere (AC serries do that very well) Journey is exactly what it says on the can, it does it very well and to the people that like it, it will leave a mark on your soul to ponder at least for a day. The experiment on communication seems like a waste of time if they wanted the students to think deeper they should of send them on a construction site where nobody speaks the same language. They major in linguistics not video game reviewing.

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

This is starting to get stupid, another thread about ME 3 ending. Lets face it you ALL will forget about it in a couple of months like with DA 2 or SWTOR when the next big hit arrives on the scene. Fact is EA calls the shots in Bioware and EA wants profits, they already ripped you off and took the money so why should they care anymore about your feelings? You are customers, consumers and subsequently cattle and sheep and you can't do anything. The message of the ending in ME3 was, no matter what you do and how you do it, you are insignificant, a dot in a bowl because you can not change how things are on a grander scale. To me it seems people are angry because their freedom of choice does not have an effect on the world, this means all of you have a bad case of grandomania. The last freedom taken away from them, however the problem is that freedom has always been an illusion, a very cleverly placed illusion in your mind by different associations and organizations nobody is free we all serve a master not in a physical form but in the form of a concept, because how do you fight a concept, an Idea? Everyone is so drugged with the power they had as Shepard to kill a single species with a play of words and forget that in the end he is a meatbag just like every other organic.

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

I don't understand this article is it trying to tell use everything we already know or is it educating us ? It feels like 6 months of news packed in one sitting ... to which the point was what ??? Yes corporations rip us off, yes unneeded hype and marketing does sell well but pisses off the smarter than average bear, yes they wanted another Yvonne Strahovsky, but they had no money left so they got Chobot ... *shiver* gah. Yes there are gay ppl. So what was the point of telling us this? Aside from making another article in which to let us fools fight each other in the comments over semantics and morals in a bloody game. It feels like a gladiator ring, I'd rougher play Worms than sit and read over the muck that's posted here , which has nothing to do with criticism or game for that matter, just politics, phobias religion and maker knows what other nonsense the sick depths of the human mind can come up with.

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

Last post in here, it's getting boring to hear the same opinions about politics, sexuality and religion over and over in this thread, just like in the other few million threads on the internet that have nothing to do with ME3 whatsoever. @calvinsora Yeah bullet time and sliding on your knees with your heavy assault riffle does make me want to sit and play that game again (Vanquish). About ME3 I hope they improved some of the mechanics like running out of ammo in the 30th century ... and the cut down skill tree, that was really sad. Also progression path, well I like to be able to diddle in side quests and explore so I hope the path isn't too narrow and I expect to untie lots of knots that we made in the previous ME games.

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

@calvinsora You misunderstand me I don't wish ME to be another CoD zombie I like the RPG factor. I just wish to point out to people that arguing politics, religion, hair color and sexuality in a video game is like using a water purifying jug in the ocean. There is too much backlash on the topic "who can I bang on my ship" instead on the topic "how has ME3 improved, will it be a cliff hanger again, will the story have more knots to untie and more secrets, will I meet other cool companions, what guns will I get". I never imposed my opinion on other ppl, my voice is like a drop in the desert, it matters only to me if some1 likes it fine there is a morality system for that in here. It's called free choice, and I can't change it even if I shout scream threat abuse or w/e it's the internet. PS: Vanquish was awesome one of the few really well thought out game mechanics in the past 2 years now. I prefer 3rd person and I really enjoyed the jet slide whoop whoop.

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Edited By Nick_Fury_Shine

@calvinsora And I thought I was playing ME because I shoot stuff and collect their remains in my non existing backpack full of money and rifles in order to get better rifles and armor to kill the bad guys who picked the wrong day to mess with my character from the future where we go pew pew. Silly me! ^.^ A game is what you choose it to be to you, to me its that. Yes it is a narrative told to us using the means and mechanics of game play over a period of time using clever ways for us to enjoy the otherwise non interactive block of text, so that we actually feel part of the story. After you are done dissecting this "contemporary" art piece send me the bill, because that is what corporate critics do these days. I just play the game and enjoy it. Romance is not thought provoking, saving the world is not drama and I never wanted to connect with my ME friends on the ship I just want to feed my fish ....... and bang Jack.