At the end of the day you are the Human and as such you have the gift of free will and choice. Not the company, not the development team, not the internet, not the computer, You are in charge of your body and as far as I know Seriff has not started selling spare body parts.The problem here is not in moneygrabbing, and gametime restriction and safety protocols enforced on the individual, it's society' to blame because it allows people to think that it is ok to leave your children to starve, its ok to play games all your life. In some parts of the world game is actually an addiction and as such it should be treated, like drug abuse and alcoholism. Problem is ppl disregard it because of its nature, sure play 24/7 games don't eat or give your body a rest, but it's utterly and atmost dangerous to roll up a smoke of green and relax.Fix society then work on the rest of the problems in this maker forsaken world!!!
OK so the big corporation, regrets building things that actually are worth their customers money? This is an utter example of greed, haven't these people sucked out enough money from our pockets ???
If a person is to buy a phone or a console or a TV or a PC he expects it to last for as long as it can, because not everyone has money to throw around. If I buy a console I'd like it to last at least 3-4 years and max 10 years, so I can watch movies and play games with it without having a worry. If it breaks the next month I won't be happy and if i am in a real need to replace the product I will be forced to spend another absorbent amount of cash for the same piece of junk. How is this fair towards the consumers, the very people that buy the rubbish of these cheaters called a company or a corporation and fill their pockets with money?
The technology advancement curve has gone very near to vertical these last years, every day there is something new. However content for it has always been so slow to follow after its discovery and by the time it comes out there is a new hip thing on the market. Lets not mention where are we going with all this new technology ? We already reached the apex of graphics quality and visual effects what is the point in going into that even more? Society needs to grow up, narratives need to rise their standard, game mechanics need more clever ways to entertain, content needs more imagination. Fix those and then talk about how consoles have a long lifespan, which probably can not be compared with the life of any human.... a shame there is very few humans left and only bots, stooges, fools, bankers, drones, trolls, corporate directors and McDonalds workers.
We all know how MMO addiction is in that part of the world based on bias statement, and absurd examples *sarcasm*. In that part of the world there is no space for people to do anything, living in match boxes and all you do is work, because everywhere is full.
True there are far worse addictions , but as it is this addiction is also a problem, every addiction is a form of bad habit regarding a substance or an action, which is rooted deep in human subconsciousness. This kind of problem is not simply solved by your average "home council" or "parent talks" prohibition is not the solution also, in my eyes all sides are guilty, but so is society corrupt and bound by money making corporations.
To everyone talking about freedom, I say think again the next time you go to work or to the store to buy the same products in a que of people with the same job occupation, bound by the chains of society and corporations. Wake up your "freedom" is a clever lie you think you are given, a false dream to which you prefer to cling instead of actually learning to see reality. If we were truly free the government would be better /probably not even needed/ people would be equal and nobody would be hungry or poor. So please don't talk about freedom in a world were the media only tell you what you want to hear, the government shows you only what you should see and books teach you only what you should know, written by somebody somewhere.
Back on topic, I think the government took the wrong approach to a rightful cause, because this is indeed a problem, to which people should give more attention, unless we all wish to become digital zombies with cables out our nose cavities. Instead of prohibition, rehabs and counseling is needed far more than a simple law and a scold on parents.
Yet again another prepaid chapter in the story of society ran by corporations.
This time however I will simply give an example about the headline "The customer is not always right" because it is annoying me.
If I go to a bar and order a drink and I ask the bartender not to have any fruit floating in my drink specifically, to which he then brings me a drink with fruits in it, the logical outcome is that I won't pay for it, I won't drink it and he will be down X amount of alcohol and cash down the drain.
Moral of the story is, the customer may not always be right, but if he asked for it and you didn't accomplish it , you are the one that has a pole sticking out of his rear with a Jolly flag at the top. The problem with ME3 was not the game itself, but the lies EA gave people and hyped them on. All the journalist started banging on the subject only because it generates a social outcry, thus turning their simple mind stir story into a sensation, that brings them up in the eyes of possible employers.
The problem here is not the protective fanboys who feel betrayed by the franchise , nor the trolls that erode every inch of decent criticism, nor the well payed under the table journalists who know jack about anything or the vulgar company that makes a profit from our childhood dreams. The problem is in our society where money and fame wins the game and leaves the us the poor scruffy nerf herders to wallow in our own decrepit state. Games are made for console kiddies and casual gamers, pretty much facebook and twitter addicts as it seems. Yes in the past years games have been nerfed down because of these individuals , "Why ?" you ask, simply because they represent a bigger pie chart piece of the average consumer base. Back in the day gaming was just about games and having fun, today it's about big bucks for little people up the corporate ladder. People claim they do this for their hardcore fan base, actually they do it for their money and the money they can jack out of the unsuspecting clueless casual gamer moron that drives a prius C everyday to work at the mall or the bank.
Back to the game impression, I find the game good as far as eye candy goes. The lack of any intuitive design towards skills items and mechanics just tips the iceberg that the people who make games these days are back in the dark ages, or that the big boss of the corporation said, make it now and screw quality testing, because he has a golf game at 3pm.
Nick_Fury_Shine's comments