@the_big_doggg @experience_fade Funny 75% of statistics like that are made on the spot, did you know that ?
Also does it really matter who's fanboy you are. This is a community where everybody is different so why should it be an insult. Its an insult only when you parade it to everyone hoping for a reply to start a troll war.
@experience_fade Indie games get the high scores because they do exactly what it says on the tin ''provide fun'' they don't have a lot of departments to address and most often its the unique visual theme and mechanics that win over the consumers, bringing back the nostalgic feeling everybody has for old cartridge games.
First on the list, you need promotional material, because lets face it if the consumer doesn't know about the product how is he supposed to know its available for purchase. Demos are part of the promotional chain, in the past years instead of demos we started getting betas which is a rough build of the product but still subject to change based on feedback from the consumer, demos on the other hand are final products they are supposed to be at least with a restriction of content. A demo has limited length and its aim is to show the perks of the game and peak the interest in the story as well as to satisfy the investors.
My opinion is that demons need to exist but to be provided to a limited circle of people. The demo as a promotional material had its rise in the years of the internet where information was limited on the subject of games and how they play. Its a thing of the past, however it should remain, it does add extra value to the production and it means effort has really been made to get people to like this game. The alternative is not so bad, but lets face it companies will take advantage of that, just make an awesome trailer then release a shitty game, to take your money and get away with it. Nothing is perfect yet money talks.
I'm not sure that's the whole story, maybe there are pages of content, you know that the government keeps a tab on anyone in Facebook and their activity. Online bullying is a fact and maybe a verbal assault if the language was colorful enough. On another note, the government should inform itself about gamespot, the trolling in here sometimes goes over the top as well, it should be punished. As opposed to putting oligarchy kingpins behind bars.
Deadpool is Deadpool and this is a Deadpool game, I doubt he would care about any reviews and most likely he will shoot you in the head and then make pancakes in your kitchen. Deadpool himself is narcissistic and this is his game about him, it screams in your face that the focus is on him, not the player and not on the mechanics. If you don't understand this game you don't understand Deadpool. I'm gonna get it but once its on discount, because I love it. DPooly FTW W_(^_^)_W
@Ahriman7 Nice conspiracy theory, worth the read, but I think over complicating something is usually the wrong direction, because it starts to sound silly over time. Example :
"Some kid stole my post at the office, because of that I was distracted when buying ice cream and gave the guy an extra 20$ only for it to be wasted when i was almost run over by the postman, who was driving the kid from earlier apparently him being his father coming to visit his uncle the ice cream man. So i had to go buy another ice cream from the local store and the clerk there had a picture of her son, the same boy.Everyone is in on this scam I tell you !"
@hordaak You pretty much sum up how both controllers are the same, is there any point to discus that ? Its pretty clear that both systems went for an egonomic design that is easy to hold. Both controllers have their stupid social buttons "look ma'no hands"
About the hating, its the current trend in society these days, everyone can think of 20 bad things on the spot while only 5 good things come to mind, has nothing to do with flame wars.
Also stating your position can only bring up the assumption you are selling us something.
True both consoles don't differ anymore since they got the same policy now ,they are a PC in a fancy wrapper
Trying to provoke a fight is not the right thing to do.
Well .... M$ turns around an says ''dudes sorry ! Here we will bent a knee can you buy our product now ?" ......
Honestly I had something prepared for this, but it doesn't matter. I think the console war front can calm down until the next grand "fuckup" from either side. From here on its just aesthetics, preference and fanboyism, like it was last gen. Actually nothing new, except the games that we will get.
@cursealoud I personally hate smartphones, nobody even bothers to look at you up in the eyes when they have their nose stuck on that stupid touchscreen. The phone device had one purpose to connect people directly for variable reasons when they can't be there in person, instead now its a toy. Sure it has some good applications that can make your life easy, but the core idea is lost and instead it is alienating people from the world around them. Its better to go see Grand Canyon in person than to have it as a wallpaper for your stupid smartphone =\
Nick_Fury_Shine's comments