The general rule for updating the firmware on any device is, update only when it is really needed and only to the latest STABLE version.
Other than that things like that, a firmware update being glitchy, happen all the time in the device industry. We just don't see or hear about them because its not mainstream news and because there are countless devices. Sloppy update QoS testing is to blame, and not just at Sony its everywhere.
If all the men get this game does this mean their GF will start paying attention to them or just grow jealous of their console and chuck it out of a window in blind rage .... oh wait thatalready happens lol
Arguing on the old topic of boys vs girls ratio about who is a fanatic gamers vs casual vs other is all for the pleasure and laughs of Gamespot and whoever bothers to make this survey. Its just stupid to bash either side, because it won't change anything and it will only allow the corporation standing over us to laugh at our ''individual'' opinion.
A video game has one goal to provide entertainment to its audience , like a movie rated for everyone. Thus the audience of games can vary from any gender age race or other believes but the survey is done across the video game entertainment industry as a whole. Any attempt to justify that this is not true about a particular subdivision of gaming is flawed at the start since this ranges across everything.
What we can do is acknowledge and move on, without bashing down either side, without making smug comments or troll messages, without trying to force everyone to see it our way, and without thinking that our own opinion is the most important out there.
@Nightflash28 DRM itself costs money to implement thus rising the value of the production. A great analogy ... how does adding extra bacon lower the price of your subway ?
Nick_Fury_Shine's comments