@RussianMeatClob @Nick_Fury_Shine I want to be a cat, with mind control abilities. I can be lazy all day and sleep all day.
@psu4ever10 Even if the game was set in a Alien colony with gender-less beings somebody would still complain.
@19James89 you could always put a monkey suit and scare people in the park and steal their picnic baskets.
@rollerloller @mucking_foron Sacrilegious you are not supposed to talk about the ''sex and the city'' in here , you need to be punished!
@LADIES_MAN_2013 What ponders me is why would your bring your family into this. A dog that barks doesn't stand a chance to bite you over the fence unless you walk over to him and untie him, you just did that.
Nick_Fury_Shine's comments