If you dislike Gamespot so much then why aren’t you posting on IGN? You can leave space for people who like websites that still have integrity, has features on games rather than boobs, humour that actually makes us laugh and where an 8/10 still means something.
The maps would be nice, considering if I wanted them later it would cost the same. Pity that there's at least 4 other full price games I want to get at about the same time.
You can't drastically alter this game without altering reality really - each game will be pretty similar to the last 'til the end of time (or football, whichever comes first). If they really want revolution they should give players weapons and elemental classes :P
There's a reason every game has checkpoints now - because it's ****ing boring to do the same things over and over again. I'm sure it's very exciting while your alive but when you die most people would loose the will to try again, especially if it's taken you so long to get to that point. You don't have to have a game with such a high price to make it exciting - like Dark Souls; it's challenging, exciting, frustrating but crucially forgiving. Maybe you'll enjoy yourself but the majority of people would rather just have tougher enemies for their challenge. A tough boss can be exciting and stressful whatever the cost - especially if you're both on low health.
Btw, I've never played Diablo so sorry if what I've written is too general to apply to this game.
NickyWithATicky's comments