I just wanna know one thing - what on earth is Fortnite? Is it an FPS? Adventure game? Horde-style game? Tower defence game? Minecraft 2? And the Metal Gear Rising trailer made me laugh, but in a good way.
@EdibleFood I don't really know the difference. I just want them with better graphics and possibly voice acting. The older ones would go 3d too. I haven't played loads of the final fantasys and updated vesions would probably make me more willing - it's really odd to be a massive fan of the franchise but to have only played four of them.
This is kind of Duke Nukem's problem. I saw all the vids of implied sex out of shot and thought "Why don't they just show the whole thing - it's already an 18". Well this is why, and it make no sense. All the implied shots do is make it uncomfortable if there's certain people in the room, at least with fall frontal you get something from it! Wingardium leviosa.
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