Battlefield. COD4 is just a grenade tossing camp-fest. Plus i hate the spawning system. Rather than place spawn points they just pop you next to another player who's still alive. Awful system. The number of times i've flanked right around a map to get in a position where i can take down four or five guys at once, only to have three guys pop up behind me, running off and blasting away, wrecking everything.... just silly, infinity ward.
I think we have to wait until february/march for some sales figures. All three have sold so poorly over january that it's pointless to compare them. It's like racing three cars and having them all crash on the first corner; but bragging that the one which crashed last is the best. They all fail.
Wait until we actually have some sales going back to normal after the christmas period.
I always used to imagine Omni as a 30 year old guy with long slicked-back hair, a porno 'tash and a gold chain, sitting in his underwear with laid back jazz playing in the background, moderating the crap out of all those crazy gamespot cats.
Duxup i imagine as the monster in his avatar, typing on a laptop with huge monster-hands.
Well games like Crysis are already starting to tax Vista 32, so i'd go with the 64 bit. Provides extra breathing room, plus it'll future-proof your PC nicely.
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