Add some extra lighting, bloom andsome wii controls and BAM you have Metroid Prime 3. Calling it a step forward from it's predecssor would be an overstatement, more like a tippy toe to the side.
you forgot about
forge and save film which has never been done before in a console game. brand new single player. Matchmaking which pits you up to people with similiar skill to you. new weapons. new vehicles. new maps.
And on the pc they ultimately have potential to look better and you have the option (not obligation) of using keyboard&mouse.
There are few exceptions in the really, really good games: Gears of War will be ported soon. Ninja Gaiden, but ithas been ported to ps3. Other than those, GRAW and GRAW2 -- every port is actually a different game -- ,Panzer Dragoon Orta, Jet Set Radio Future, and Far Cry Instints. Some driving games may be xbox exclusives, but almost every other really, really good game has been ported to the pc. That's about 5 great xbox exclusives.
Nintendo and Sony lines of consoles seem to have more exclusive releases than xbox and xbox360.
maybe some ppl can't get xbox360 level graphics on their computers?
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