I chose the PS3 as my first current-generation console largely because at the time it was the only console that had proper backwards compatibility (the Wii supports Gamecube discs and peripherals, but you still have to have a GC in order to format memory cards, which renders BC almost pointless). I've since sold both my PS3 and my Xbox 360, and I regret selling my 60gb PS3 a lot more. Don't get me wrong, the 360 has a lot of great games. But I miss being able to play PS3, PS2, and PSone games all on the same machine, I miss the free online play, I miss Blu-ray, I miss my PSN games, and I miss having access to the fantastic exclusives, such as LittleBigPlanet and MGS4. Now I'm in the position of having recently bought my PS2 slim back from my brother. Meanwhile, I'm keeping an eye on the BC-less 40gb PS3 that my local Source by Circuit City still has on its shelves, and is selling for $50 less than the current-model 80gb system. I'm waiting until I either have enough extra cash to buy that system, or until the rumoured price cut and PS3 Slim happen. Whichever comes first. Man, do I ever miss that 60gb system...
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