I am so not excited about a Wii-make of a snes game!! They could have spent their time on a F-Zero instead!!!!!
Nomad0404's forum posts
It's out this Friday in Europe apparently and here's a preview and video from our very own GS UK.
Ok it goes something like this:
I'm a producer I see the 360, PS3 and Wii coming out, I can't understand the Wii it doesn't fit any of my current sales models so I'm not going to back it, the PS3 and 360 appear to have plenty of sales potential though so Mr Developer make me a game that will sell on those consoles. In the mean time that Wii Sports looks interesting make me something like that I can sell as well.
2 years later.....
I'm a producer = Stone me if that Wii hasn't outsold the 360 and PS3 combined I want a piece of that action. You Mr Developer if you make a game on the PS3/360 I want something like it on the Wii as well I want a piece of that pie.
So what's happened is that for the first couple of years of the Wii's life only the bold decided to do anything risky on the Wii and instead will got showered with Miningame compilations. Now however the penny has dropped and producers and developers are starting to take notice. I'd say give the Wii 2 years if it's still got a high percentage of low rated games it's a flop but I suspect that will change. For the record the Wii actually only has 77 games rated less than 50 on Metacritic, the 360 has 69! The PS2 has almost twice as many at 144.
I think they'll set it so that it can do 720p at 60fps with 4xAA or somethig like that. That's all it will need to do.
See now they could up the filesize limit with the New SD card system and we could get that on Wii.
I think both those games are looking pretty damn good and it shows that Capcom are pretty much at the top of the tree when it comes to getting the most out a system.
I don't see how you can knock the visuals on the HD trailer.
CVG have an interview here.
It's about time they released some more MH3 stuff to keep especially now they've luanched the port. Especially as it looks soo nice
How much did they spend on the GTAIV DLC?
Coming out you can check out:
The Conduit
Ghost busters
Monster Hunter 3
Swords & Soldiers
A Boy and his blob
They are a few I can think of.
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