The character models were nicely detailed, but very rigidly animated I'd say. There's more to it than sheer Graphical quality though. Artistic style goes further than graphical power IMO, which that just looks bland. Also, I don't know whether it was just the video or not but I got the impression that the frame rates dropped whenever there was any action at all. Crysis is far better graphically.
NosmoKing1984's forum posts
When I first started playing WoW I thought "Where is the story line? I don't really care about random guy x wanting y number of bats killed.". But then I realised that MMO's tell the story in a vastly different way to most other games. Instead of being told a story, you live it, you are a part of what is happening. For me WoW really came alive after I read a few of the books as well, which really explained who most of the main characters are. But mostly you'll find out about main bad guys from picking up quests about them. More often than not, there will be a quest somewhere to go into a dungeon and kill one of the bosses, and there will be some information in the quest telling you why you should care about killing them. And often quests in that area will be linked in some way.
But for me the fun really comes into playing with friends and making new friends in the game. I'm not really one for leveling, it can get a little boring. But playing with people and working together is quite fun, especially in the dungeons where team work and tatics are a big part of completing it. Feels good when you finally beat a boss that has wiped your party 5 times in a row.
I guess the goal is like any other game really, to have fun. If you aren't having fun then do something else :)
We wont see another Monkey Island game, it's been too long now and developers seem to think that no one wants to play point and click adventure games any more. Besides, even if it was true that they plan to make another one, it wont be the same since the orginal development team have since moved on to other things.
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I find the standard interface really hard to work with, but luckily there are tons of addons that let you change things. Top 3 addons I'd recomend would be Carbonite, Lightheaded and DoubleWide. These can be downloaded from
These three addons basically help with questing and find your way around. By default, WoW will just say "North of town X are some guys, go kill them" and I tend to just stair blankly "Where the hell is town X?!". Carbonite will put a marker on a map for you to follow :), DoubleWide just makes your Quest log bigger so it's easier to read and LightHeaded will add another panel to your Quest log where people have submitted notes on the selected quests, which can be really helpful.
These three addons helped me out no end when leveling. For me the game didn't really get good until I was level 30+ because you don't have many abilities to start with, with any class But through level 30+ you get tons of new abilities and new things open up :), if you can stick it out you should have a lot of fun, but it is quite a slow game to get into. It's also a lot better if you are playing with some friends, running around on your own is a bit boring and you may as well be playing a single player game.
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Have you checked the list on Gamespot?
Should be able to find some decent games in there. I believe EA are/have converted some of their older games to Mac but you don't get the same selection as a PC. Mac gaming is gaining popularity though so there is always hope I guess.
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I haven't played Mass Effect myself but my brother loves it, and he's a fan of Kotor 1/2, I couldn't get into either to be honest.
As for Grid, it is a great game but like someone said before, it is a strange mix of sim and arcade without really sitting straight on either count. Like you can do the 24 hour La Mans but you can't do a qualifier race, and it doesn't have pit stops. No weather effects at all apart from night cycle in the 24 hour La Mans only, can't even choose night time on a normal track. So options are limited, in most cases by too much.
Also, from what I've played, the controls with a controller (I have an Xbox 360 pad) it's very twitchy and takes ages to get used to, but with a racing wheel it's amazing. For me the controls with a wheel make up for nearly all its faults.
So if you have a racing wheel, definitely get Grid, you'll have a blast, if not then I'd just go for Mass Effect and grab the demo of Grid and see how you feel with the controls for now.
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The PS3 is more powerful in raw computational power, as in number crunching tons of data. This ability is never used in gaming, and never will either. The Cell processor is just wasted in the PS3, it's real home is in a data center server farm, or even a render farm. I've never really understood why Sony put one in the PS3 to be honest, it will never get utilised to it's full ability.
The main bottle neck in both PS3 and xBox 360 is memory, the graphics processor in both are quite powerful, the main limitation for developers is the amount of memory each console has, forcing the developers to tone the graphics down. If Sony had put 1Gb of memory in the PS3, you would get Crysis running on Very High settings on the PS3, not totally smooth but it would run.
For general performance, your average PC is more powerful because system builders tend to balance the tech better so that they compliment each other.
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The first screen shot you posted is talking about GLaDOS at the top, Genetic Lifeform and Disc Operating System... Don't know about the rest though.
I guess more will be revealed when Episode 3 is released, because Ep2 suggests that Gordons next goal is the Borialis (spelling?) which has an Apature logo in the slide show you are shown. So Apature will feature heavily in Ep3 I recon. Plus they might release Portal 2 with Ep3 :).
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Hello all,
Just wondering whether anyone else is having the same problem I am with Assassins Creed DX10 mode. When I start the game in DX10 it opens in window mode, I couldn't see any options to set it to full screen though. I couldn't see anything in the documentation on this issue either. DX9 mode works fine, so it's not a big problem but I wouldn't mind playing in DX10 full screen as window mode is just annoying.
I guess some info on my computer would help:
AMD X2 6000+
Asus AM2 nForce 590 SLI
2x eVGA Geforce 8800 GTX SLI
Windows Vista 32bit
I updated my graphics drivers about 4 days ago so unless they've been changed since then I have the latest Nvidia drivers for my Graphics and Motherboard. And Windows Updates are up to date as well.
Oh and I'm playing it at 1280x720 at 60hz btw.
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