At the company where I work we only have about 4 computers on the network that meet the minimum spec for Vista, out of about 40. Add to that the fact that we also run some home brew software from our customers which won't run on Vista (they have only just added support for IE7...), it's not likely we'll be moving to Vista any time soon.
I actually run Vista on my home PC and I like it, I like the feel and look of it. I also prefer the way all the menus and views work over XP (like Control Panel and the Start Menu etc..). My experience has been very possitive with Vista, but businesses aren't ready for it, there's too much cost without any noticable gain. The same is true for Office 2007, it's pretty and all, but it doesn't justify the cost over the gains of the new software.
As for the DX10 issue, the video on GameTrailer for the new 3DMark Vantage explaines what I've said before, games developed for DX9 and then a DX10 layer added later can't take advantage of the benefits of DX10. Sure they can add some of the new effects but the engine needs to be written differently to get the optomisations.
I think in about 18 months time the whole argument will be the other way around, with people saying "You're still on XP?! Why God WHY?!? Upgrade you fool!" and this whole "Vista Sucks!" thing will be long fogotten. Happened last time.
Have fun
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