I played Guild Wars for over a year, and while it's quite fun and there's plenty of things to do, It's just striking how much more there is to World of Warcraft. I've only been playing WoW for a few months but I'm certainly having more fun (so far). My main problem with GW was that in later expansions the missions just got so hard and you really needed to find a good group to play with, which I could never seem to find. With WoW I've had no problem doing this, I usually can't run around questing without bumping into someone on the same quest, and then team up with them for a while.
With WoW I like how open it is, you can be running down a road and see other people walking around, you only get this is GW in towns. But I guess there is less time wasting in GW since you can just click on the map to get to a place, while WoW you have to walk or spend money on being flown.
With GW it's really good how you can change your characters build easily and without any fuss, so you can have a bunch of builds to suite different situations like soloing or group missions. Where with WoW it costs you money to do this, and it costs more each time so you really need to pick a build and stick with it.
I think it depends on what you want, WoW has a superior PvE portion while GW has superior PvP. I can't say I'm a fan of PvP in either game but people that I know that have played both extensively say GW is better for PvP.
Have fun
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