CD protection software is the biggest pain in PC gaming. I hate it with a firey passion.
About 5 days after getting Colin McRea Dirt, my DVD drive died, so I had to replace it. When I got my new one and tried to play Dirt, it told me I was using an illegal copy. I am given to understand that this was because it registered the game with that drive, now thedrive was gone it thought it was illigitimate.I had two choices, either buy the game again because the anticopy software thought I'd pirated the game, or get a no cd crack. Guess what I decided to do.
I tend to play games that don't require a disc more than those that do, out of sheer lazyness for having to grab the disc all the time. So I actually have a few good games that I highly enjoyed playing sitting unfinished because I can't be bothered to put the disc back in my drive.
On the other hand, if you are talking about downloading a game... I have downloaded games before to see what they are like, and then bought them if I liked them. Some games don't have demos so it's nice to check the game out first. If developers did this themselves I think there would be less piracy. Like the old days of Shareware where you could play 20% of a game for free and pay for the rest. Most demos now are 5%, if that, and often don't give a good picture of what the game is like. Crysis for example, only shown the first level of the game, which the gameplay in Crysis changed rapidly throughout the game. So the demo was a very poor example of what the game was like.
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