Is it just me or is STALKER unfinished? I just got it today and played it for a couple of hours and the feeling I got was it's about a year away from being finished. Some conversations have voice actingbut most don't, either have no voice acting at allor all conversations with voice acting, doing just some like the main story line conversations is just lazy. And Half Life 1 had better lip sync.
As for the story line, I'm bewildered, it gives you no background or introduction beyond "I found this guy". The manual does have somebackground that just dribbles on for two pages when it could just say "There was a big bang, then it happened again, and some guys turned up to look for stuff", that just about says it all. I also liked the mistake "160,000 peopleleft without thinking they would never see home again", gotta love a double negative.
While the graphics are alright I can't say they are strikingly realistic, there aretons of effects and detail in there but somehow they've managed to make it look mundane.
I've played a lot of FPS games (mostly recently actually) where firing normally is a waste of time, if you don't use the iron sights you might as well throw your shoes at them for all the good it will do. But with STALKER it's even worse, point blank range down the iron sights, in the head and the guy just turns round and starts shooting me. I admit I've only played for a couple of hours so I only had a pistol at the time but thats still bad. I don't mind a game where the accuracy is bad at a distance, I can understand that, but when it's bad up close you're out of options.
I will continue to play it in the grim hope that it gets better, I can look past the bland graphics and odd narrative but I can't get past the poor weapons. I'm just hoping that there are better, more accurate weapons later on, I might put up with it for now in that case. I'm also praying that the story line picks up, I like a game where I can get involved and feel a part of it, I like it when I actually give a damn about the characters and want to know what happens next. So far I'm not gripped by STALKER.
Had anyone else felt like this or am I just overly picky?
Have fun.
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