Not mad or jelly just hate show offs, from the cost of what he has paid for those i am guessing he isn't all that young....therefore should have grown out of showing of like this. And what is there to be "jelly" about? the fact he has spent $2k on gpu's to run the same games as the rest of us? 1 x 670 is more than enough for anyone........he has bought them purely to show of, there is no other reason.[QUOTE="jonleeprice"][QUOTE="GummiRaccoon"]
u mad
Pardon me for thinking that readers of a hardware forum might be interested in hardware. And yes the games may be the same but the graphics will probably not look the same with 1 670 vs 2 690's (dang, Triss Merrigold does look the business with übersampling on :) )
what is rediculous thou is its obviousley wasted power on u. you could of run the witcher with ubersampling with 2 580s i can run it with 1 7970!!!
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