Well that was a nightmare, first time seating the cooler myself. When I took the cooler off it clearly looked like it was done wrong, they had the entire bottom of the cooler covered in a thin layer and put on the CPU which the cooler is a much larger circle than the small square top of the CPU itself so I think there was too much paste overall and not enough in the center. I cleaned it all off and had to try 3 times to get it on myself, the cooler kept popping off the CPU b4 I could get it screwed on so I had to keep recleaning it and reapplying to keep air bubbles out. The last time im afraid I got too much paste on there and then the cooler was sliding all over the top of the CPU b4 I could get it secured, but since it didnt pop off completley I just said screw it and kept it on. Hopefully no paste got down over the edges of the CPU. Havent got the temps up at all yet but idleing dosnt look anything out of the ordinary. Are there any break in procedures I should follow? and how much will the temps come down after break in?
i have the same rig, different case. maybe instead of looking at the CPU cooler, how about increasing air flow through the case with front fans and a better rear fan to pull air through and out the back? the 1366 cpus have great temp range.
It has a front, side, and rear fan, also I dont really feel like changing the case if possible I like this one for my situation so before I change the cooler I think im gonna add another fan to the radiator to go to a push/pull and also reseat the cooler with some artic silver 5 cuz idk what they used when they put it together at cyberpower. if I could get it down into the mid 70's I would prb be satisfied with the OC.
[QUOTE="Blistrax"]What case do you have?Grouchy187
apevia x-dreamer 3
Thanks for the suggestions so far, im thinking about the Loki since the TX3 wont fit my socket
Have you considered one of the cheaper closed loop water cooling solutions from Corsair (H50, etc) or Antec (h20 620, etc)? They dont come off the CPU much and the radiator goes where the 120mm rear exhaust fan is (havent checked your case, but I assume you have one :)). Anyway, they should fit no problem and provide good temps. Though slightly more expensive then a 212.
I have the Asetek 510LC right now and thats my problem I hate it, idk if its been installed wrong but my temps are horrible. I never noticed till I started OCing and I checked em.
Hey all, looking for some advice for a cooling solution for my i7 930. I have a very small mid tower case and changing it is not an option because of my living solution, im struggling to find something that will fit in my case as I really want a 212 but it just wont fit. I currently have and have had for 2 years an Asetek 510lc. I never really looked at my temps till I recently started OCing the CPU. I am very unhappy with the performance of the LC as im getting ~51 idle and ~82 under load with a very mild OC of about 3.2. My budget preferably would be ~$50. I also thought maybe its just come from cyberpowerpc installed wrong and I might need to just reseat it but idk if those temps are really that far off.
yeah for $1500 you should definatley be able to get a 7970 or 680, i know the 670 has very good price per performance but the other cards are still faster and OC to even higher levels. I paid $500 for my 7970 and i still dont regret it, its a great card and much more powerful than my old 5830
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