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Odgiek18 Blog

Another GS Weekend

We went to Gamestop with my mom again this weekend and my brother got a new Dr.Doom controller for his XBOX and an issue of Xbox Magazine. The Demo Disc that came with the magazine rocks and I tried out King Kong, and that is one of the coolest games I have ever played! I might get if for my Gamecube soon, who knows??? I haven't been gaming much lately but I only have 2 Days of School left until Christmas Break and then it's Gaming Paradise. I don't know if I'll beat Metroid Prime or not but I'll try!

Alas to my gaming concerns, For some reason I just feel a little trapped right now.... My brother now has an Xbox and finally the Gamecube is all to myself, I guess it's looking forward to next-gen that throws me off. I feel like every game I buy is a waste since it's about only half a year until I get my Revolution..

Smash Trophy Count-96.90%

Metroid Prime Percentile-36%

Revolution Savings-$3.18

Give and Recieve

I'm not really in a gaming mood right now, so I thought I'd hang out on Gamespot for a while.I've only got 19 Days left to complete Metroid Prime! The good news is that the percentile isn't based on just length, it's based on item collection and log book entries. Then when I checked an FAQ to see how far I was I figured out I'm really about 80% instead of 36%. all I have to do is get the last of the artifacts, fight meta-ridely, enter the Impact Crater, and defeat Metroid Prime! Also, my baby brother found his old v-smile (A kids videogame system) so my 12 year old brother took the Xbox, leaving me with the Gamecube all by myself! I won't have to buy anymore games I know won't be fun! (Yes, I'm looking at you Starfox:Assault!) So I'm just going to hang around the site and work on Metroid Prime tommorrow, only 1 week left of school!

Smash Trophy Percentile-96.90%

Metroid Prime Percentile-36%

Revolution Savings- $3.18

Revolution Ramblings

Just thinking about the Revolution gets me excited these days. Everytime my friends yap off about their 360 and their PSP's I just think, "You wait, we'll see who's the top system next year!". And then I begin to explain to them the concept of a virtual console, and the abilities of such an innovative controller, and the power of free online wi-fi play, and that Nintendo has Zelda, Super Smash Bros., Star Fox, Mario, Metroid and many more great titles that they'll never see on their next-gen systems. And their only comeback is, "Oh yea, Xbox 360 has Halo 3!" And the worst part is everybody around agrees, shuffles off, disses the Rev, and ignores my complaints on how if that was their only trump card, Microsoft is going down. To me all of next-gen systems are great! You have your Online, huge market startegist the 360, you beautifully graphical PS3, and then your new, innovative Revolution! I have gained about 3 Rev supporters on my side so far and my quest to spread the Rev continues!\

I'm leaving out my Accomplishments for this post, as I will on all of my Revolution Ramblings (There will be more!)

Prime Winnings

I've been laying around and playing Metroid Prime today, I only have 21 Days left untill Christmas and I have to hurry! I got the X-Ray Visor, the Power Bombs, and the Plasma Beam...Also this Friday is the Computer Drawing at my school. It cost $2 a ticket and the winner gets a newly designed, custom-built (By the 4th year electronics students) Gaming Machine, with a 19" Widescreen Hi-Def Monitor and full speaker system! WOW! I only bought one ticket and if I win I'm giving it to my brother (I'm not much of a PC gamer, but he is, plus he needs something to do in his room...) so I hope luck pulls through for me!

Smash Trophy Count-96.90%

Metroid Prime Percentile- 36%

Revolution Savings- $1.93


Game Sellings...

Since my little brother erased my Star Fox Data on my memory card, and since that game wasn't good enough for me to do iit all over again (Not that it had that much to do), and since Spongebob sorta belittles my gaming collection, and I only have so many days until Christmas and my new wave of games, i have decided to sell Star Fox: Assault and Spongebob the Movie and get maybe a new bigger memory card, or another game! I've been playing Metroid Prime, and it is getting REALLY HARD! I don't know if I'll be able to beat it before the 25th but I'm going to try!

Smash Trophy Count-96.90%

Metroid Prime Percentile-25%

Revolution Savings-$1.93 (I know it went down...)

Christmas with Spongebob

Christmas is only in 24 Days and you know what that means? I have to work hard to beat all of my games before a get a load of new ones to play. My brother brought home Spongebob Squarepants the Movie the Game (SStMtG) today... i used to have it on my PS2 a long time ago and a nice platformer feels good every once in a while (Actually it's not a bad game at all, review pending), so I stuck it in our collection. My current Christmas Goals are to A.Beat Metroid Prime on Normal and

B.Beat SStMtG all the way through (100% Goofy Goober Tokens)

Most of the people at school who wouldn't shut up about the 360 are now asking me all kinds of questions about the Revolution. I guess they seen the recalls and realized they would never be able to afford one.Realy to me the 360 is an Xbox in different clothes. Even though I respect it and understand why people want one, I'm just gonna sit back and ride this Gen into the Revolution of gaming. I've been seriously thinking about the PS3 as well, even though I dislike Sony, it's a Nice System...

The 360 offers you expensive organized online play, decent games, great graphics (If you have an HDTV..) and is pretty expensive.

The PS3 offers you inexpensive, partially organized online play, Nice, deep games, beautiful graphics, and is VERY expensive..

The Revolution offers Free organized online play, Definately immersive games (thanks to the Controller) above-average graphics (I'm guessing) and is inexpensive (Compared to others).

But, it really isn't fair to judge right now, and I'm still saying that their all great systems, but I don't want to be playing last-gens games with enhanced graphics next-gen. I want something new and fresh and thats why the Rev is for me...

Accomplishments List:

Smash Trophy Count-96.90%

Metroid Prime Percentage-22%

Star Fox Silever Trophies- 2/10

Spongebob Token Percentile-23.53% 

Revolution Savings- $2.33


I haven't done that much today, just played a little Metroid Prime and SSBM, then I decided to hang around the site for a bit...I fought Thardus on Metroid Prime, and he definately goes on my hardest bosses ever list, right behind the final boss from Ratchet and Clank (The 1st one). I like HDshadows accomplishment list at the bottom of his blog entries so I'm going to start one as well. I'm also bringing back the Smash Trophy Count, since I only have 10 Trophies left.

Gaming Accomplishments:

Smash Trophy Count-96.55%

Last Metroid Boss-Chozo Ghost

Starfox Silver Badges-2/10

Rev Savings: $1.29 (It'll go up soon)

P.S. Finally some news about the Revolution, it turns out Nintendo will unviel everything about he Rev on May 9th, 2006, at their Pre-E3 meeting.

-May 9th-National Revolution Announce Day


Ocarina of Time

I had a really long and elaborate post here about my concerns about Twilight Princess and Revolution Release/Launch Dates. But, since I accidentally pressed back on my browser it ruined it. Pretty much I just hope that Twilight Princess comes out about two months before the Revolution, giving me time to enjoy it before moving on to bigger and better things... At my mom's house i just sat around playing Ocarina of Time on my Nintendo 64.  beat the Fire, Water, and Shadow Temples, not to mention the Ice Cavern and The Bottom of the Well. Then when I got home I played some Metroid Prime, and I got a letter from my girlfriend and she wants to break up so, I guess I'll be doing a LOT more gaming lately...

25 Reasons I Support the Revolution Pt.5

21.Great for Parties

22.HDshadow and I can play each other all the time! (If he gets one!)

23.Finally a new DK Game (Not Spinnoff)

24.Hopefully Achievement awards!

25.And a Gamer Score (A 'la Xbox 360)


Last night was pretty fun, My brother and I stayed with our two cousins and we stayed up late playing Gamecube. I think I put about 60 more VS.Matches on my Smash Bros. Data.Tonight I'm going to my moms house to stay the weekend, and we've got a Nintendo 64, a SNES, and a Sega Genesis to play so it'll be fun! Nothing else really to report except some new Revolution rumors I've been hearing, this is an actual forum post from someone on Gamespot...

I was at the Best Buy in Lexington today and was checking out the new kiosk for the Xbox 360. I have to say its looks pretty nice. Nothing any better then a pc, but nice. In any event, I went to Best Buy in order to return an lcd monitor that I had purchased. Stuck pixels and I wasnt very happy at all. While I was waiting up at the counter, I overheard the manager talking to a Nintendo representative. They were talking price of the system, and the in store space that would be needed among other things. The rep (and Im absolutely positive this is the real thing), said the system would be selling for $249.99. There will be one controller and one add-on nunchuck style attachment. I suppose Ninty will be relying on the Gamecube pads for classic gameplay unless you buy a classic attachment. Im not sure if this is new news or not, but Im positive this will be the price.

They also talked about shelf space and what they would need in order to display the system properly. In listening, I overheard a June 2006 date mentioned for release. Seems funny they are talking shelf and kiosk space this early. Perhaps, Ninty has some in store surprises coming up relatively soon. The only other thing I heard from the conversation that might be of any interest is that the displays are "unconventional" as compared to typical kiosk displays. It really made me wonder why the kiosks would be so different. Im not really sure where they were going as I really didnt hear much more. They walked off into the back room as they were talking. It was my turn in line anyway and I had to get on with my lcd return.

Some of you will probably think this is bull, but oh well. No skin off my back. Just thought I would be nice and post my findings. Its funny because sometimes information comes where you least expect it. I never would have heard anything if I hadnt a return to make. eh... it made my day... :-)

If this guy is telling the truth that will be awesome! I was hoping for a June Launch Date, since my Birthday is in April, I can pre-oreder it early and not have to wait to long! Also the Price is good, I was going for $199, but 50 extra Isn't going to hurt!

25 Reasons I support the Revolution Pt.4

16.June Launch Date (Hopefully)

17. If not June at least 2006

18. Rumored FPS (Halo-Killer) in works

19.Heat Sensitive Controller???

20.Vertical or Horizontal? I get to Choose... 

Gamer's Block

Recently I just haven't been wanting to play games that much. It's a wierd feeling having those games in there just begging for you to master them, and yet all you wanna do is lay around and rest. I could be in there fine tuning my Smash Bros skills, or getting the silver medals on Star Fox, or even getting to the next boss on Metroid Prime, but instead I'm in the computer room, on Gamespot, reading forums and reviews. I'm not sure if it's just a little rest I need, or if it's something else (Maybe it's next-gen fever. where you don't want to play any of your current gen games, you just want to talk and read about the next-gen, and in the process you miss out on alot of great games!

So for right now I'll take a little gaming break and hang around the website, then maybe tommorrow I'll feel better...

25 Reasons I Support the Revolution Pt.3

11.Portability (3 DVD cases thick)

12.Online Leaderboards and more!

13.Smashin' Revolution Style (SSBR)


15.Their the Underdogs this Generation!