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Odgiek18 Blog

Color and Evil

So I've really been playing alot of DS lately, Metroid Prime Hunters mainly. I got bored the other night and tried coloring it with a black sharpie. After coloring the whole thing I realized it was actually a velvet color, instead of black. But I like it, it's really original! I'm working on Ganon's Dungeon on the 1st Legend of Zelda right now, and I'm almost done with it... Then it's on to Adventures of Link! I'm thinking of selling MPH and some other games and getting Mario Kart DS. Also my friend (You may know him as Smurdzilla on Gamespot) let me borrow Resident Evil 4 for Gamecube. I always thought this game was a little overated, but now let me say this: If you own a Gamecube and call yourself a true gamer, you NEED this game! It's definately one of the Cube's best games... It's times like this that I'm glad I can get on GS anytime and talk to likeminded gamers throughout the summer... Also my good friend Awesome98 is Back! Under the new name of Shadow_HFlame she stalks Gamespot with her peppie happiness of Awesomeness fun! Glad your back!

Magical Sword

I've been powergaming LOZ (1st one) lately, I started over to get some extra stuff, now I have the White Sword, Magic Boomerang, and Blue Ring, amongst other items. I'm looking for the Magic Sword, which you can only hold when you get 12 hearts (I have 13). I could probably beat it tonight (I'm gonna try) and then start working on LOZ2:Adventures of Link. I staerted over in Metroid Prime Hunters, and this weekend (Or next) I might trade in some stuff and get Mario Kart or something. I'll keep you informed on my Zelda Quest over the summer...

The Quest Begins

Ok, Yesterday was the first day of summer, and I have began my quest to beat every Zelda game (Except for the CD-i ones, they don't count)... I have all of them except for Link's Awakening, which I'm getting soon..And I have began with the following..

Legend of Zelda (At 5th Dungeon)

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages ( At 2nd Dungeon)

Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap (At 2nd Dungeon)

I've been playing so much my brothers half-eaten hamburger began to look like the Power Bracelets from ages. The best thing is I'm learning so much about Zelda, like how Seasons first dungeon is modeled in Tangent with LOZ's first dungeon (Eagle Shape). On the Side a little bit of Monkey ball helps me stay sane...

The Real "Master Quest"

So, I was sitting around thinking about how I have nothing to do this summer when I decided it was time to start my Master Quest. Not the actual Zelda Game but a personal quest. My goal is to beat every Nintendo-made Zelda game over the summer... It should be easy, but here's my list....

Legend of Zelda

Legend of Zelda 2: Adventures of Link

Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time; Master's Quest

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Legend of Zelda:Windwaker

Legend of Zelda: The Four Swords

Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

Legend of Zelda:The Minish Cap

I know it's a lot and I've beat most of them, but this gives me something to do over the summer, I'll keep you updated on my Quest.

Wii Fund: $140 (Woo-hoo)

E3 is here

So the press conference has come and gone, and even though some great games were shown, it seems Nintendo left out some important suff (Online details, price, date), but they must have a reason for doing this...Twilight Princess looks great! This weekend I have to go to Gamestop and switch my pre-order over to the Wii version of the game. I'm actually a little condused as to what I'm going to do with my gaming now...Will I sell my Gamecube when the Wii comes out? My brother wants to buy the DS from me, but I'm not sure if  should or not, I do love my DS. Oh, what to do. I wonder if I'll sell my Gamecube games when Wii comes out...I hate having too many games to play, and I already plan to but about 4 launch titles. So my plan right now is...

Play my current Gamecube games and buy new DS games to play until Wii launch. Then sell my Gamecube and games, take all of my money and buy the Wii, some games (Twilight Princess, Mario Galaxies, Red Steel, MP3C), and some accesories....

Also I got this stupid Sony emblem for accidently clicking there live press conference..I hope it goes away, I really despise Sony now that they've ripped Nintendo's Ideas yet again!

Wii Fund: $120 (Sorry I had to use $15 to pay a school fine, I should have it back this weekend....) 


Next week is E3, the most coveted event in Gaming! I would love to be there but since that's hardly possible I'll just stay here and play games, but my ear is open for any Wii news (Less then 48 hours!) I beat Kingdom Hearts on my brothers PS2, and that's definately a game I want to remember! I started to play Gun for PS2 now, and I'm 20% through, shouldn't take too long... Been playing some Windwaker as well, I love that game! Well here is a list of what I want to see/hear at E3.

>Wii Price Point
>Wii Launch Date
>Twilight Princess Release Date
>Any Zelda Info
>Kingdom Hearts Stuff
>DS Game Announcements
>DS TV and Internet Information
>Booth Babes!

Wii Fund (Yes, it's back)- $135


So today is my birthday! I'm finally 15 years old, and I had a great time! I had 5 of my friends over, and I barely slept any last night... I'm thinking of turning in early...lol. So my birthday gifts... My friend got me Bomberman Generations for GCN, and I racked up $110+ a phone card! I haven't even got my presents from my moms side of the family! I gave my money too my dad, so I won't spend a dime.... Until the Wii comes out. Bomberman is awesome, even the story mode, and I've almost beat Yoshi's Island, it brings back memories. Master Quest is extremely hard, but I'm getting through it... And I only owe about 400,000 on my house in AC. I've been playing my brothers PS2 alot lately since he got Kingdom Hearts. I almost beat it a long time ago and now I'm at Halloween Town. So I had a great Birthday!

Power Gaming

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been on lately, we've been redoing the house and just got the computer set up... Let's see, I sold a couple Gamecube games, and bought Yoshi's Island (GBA) for my DS! It's a really great game. My bro got Kingdom Hearts and I've been playing it some as well. Not to mention Master Quest, and Windwaker... So I've been power gaming. Also the Revolution has changed it's name to the Nintendo Wii. Ok, well thats fine by me but I don't think thats better then Revolution at all. I guess I'll get used to it....,


I've been talking to my friend Nathan alot lately about Twilight Princess, we're both Zelda Fanatics, and it makes it seem forever until we'll get to play it...Then I think of Revolution, and it makes me even more anxious for this summer to tick by... What will I do the whole time? Probably play my Gamecube, read some books, and wait. I've been thinking some more about what to do with my games.. I realized I never play my DS anymore, so I might be letting my Brother "Take it off my hands for awhile..." I don't even know if I want to sell my games anymore... I could probably make due all summer with just them... I guess I'm gonna take MPH off my list for awhile, who knows if I'll ever want it back. Right now I'm just looking forward to TP and the Revolution Launch. Once Revolution comes out I'll probably sell my Gamecube, No need in it then....

Windwaker again

I've been playing Windwaker alot lately and I've been having a blast. I only owe 500,000 more Bells on Animal Crossing until I get a golden statue of myself, and I'm thinking of starting up the old accomplishment list again... The online bug that came with Metroid Prime Hunters has been fixedand last night I played some 4 player matches before going to sleep. I can't go to Gamespot this weekend, but I will next Saturday...I still haven't decided between a new Gamecube game or a DS game for sure yet either, I'll just see when I get there. My union has been pretty slow lately, with only around 65 members, theres just not much going on and it doesn't feel like a community... I have a lot of things to look forward too... Next Friday is Springfest at my school, and my Birthday is on the 30th! I'll be 15 and be street legal, sorta... And there is always TP and Rev over the horizon!