This is just a little goodbye to all of my Gamestop friends. My Dad said he might be cutting off our internet today because he said "It never works". That means no more GS for me, No Nintendo Wi-Fi, No Anything,,,Of course I hope this is all fake, just something he said as a bluff. But if not, goodbye friends and good buddies, you were some of the best...
Odgiek18 Blog
Medal of Honor
by Odgiek18 on Comments
Today was by brothers birthday party-thing, so we got up at about 8 and went to the Mall! We each got $50 to spend also! I didn't see that much, except for Medal of Honor European Assault for Gamecube which is a totally awesome game! I really like the Multiplayer! And I got me a $20 phone card..... Then I somehow ended up with $20 left, which is going towards Metroid Prime Hunters in about 3 weeks... With MOHEP tp play until MPH I'll be fine... Then my Birthday will be coming up in about a month, which will gey me some money for my Revolution Fund...Life is pretty good....
P.S. My Brother got Morrowind for Xbox, which is one of my favorite games, so I'll be spending some time on it as well....
Monetary Issues
by Odgiek18 on Comments
By now I should be ready to buy the Revolution even if it came out tommorrow! But what do I have, only $22!!! And that plus a little more is going to Metroid Prime Hunters! I'm actually getting scared that I won't have enough...I just keep telling myself, I get around $100 for my birthday, and $150 for my summer job...but STILL! Gah! I'm really beating myself up over this... I can't really get my allowance because I only recieve it if I do a really good job cleaning the house that week, but while we're painting and putting in carpet, I CAN'T KEEP IT CLEAN! So No allowance right now...Ok so I'll have enough come Revolution Launch Day, but what about all the good games I want for DS and GCN...I'm talking MLB 2k6, Metroid Prime Hunters, Tetris DS, heck I still haven't got to experience Resident Evil 4! I guess I'll just scrape up any money I can to buy those games, and when I get my B-day, and job money, I'll lock it away so I can't use it! Any ideas on how to raise money? I've thought of selling some of my games, but thats a real low for me, because i love all of them!
by Odgiek18 on Comments
So, I've already beat Budokai, including the bonus missions, it seems like it took me longer when I used to have it on PS2 a long time ago.... So I'm taking it off my now playing (I'll still play it on the side of course) and I'm devoting all of my attention to Windwaker right now...see its not that the Triforce pieces are hard to find...I did t last time in about 1 day, it's just I don't really feel like finding them, because it is very tedious work, and I have 4 now, so not too long and I'll get to play Ganon's Castle, which is always fun. I hold my head down with all of the other Zelda fans out there that have also heard of the horribly news of Twilight Princess' further delay. Hopefully Metroid Prime Hunters and some other fun games will keep me going until this fall.... I had a prcatice writing assessment at school today, my prompt was "write about someone you think should be on a postage stamp" so of course I was mad that I had to do a practice one, even though it's not required (My English teacher made me...) and I worte about why The Terminator should be on a postage!
Revo Funds: Starting it back up soon, I really gotta start saving since I used most of mine....
Budokai...Review Pending...
by Odgiek18 on Comments
Hanging Out...
by Odgiek18 on Comments
Yea...Not much going on lately... Only 50,000 Bells left in Byzantin until I get the biggest house you can get! Which just plain rocks! I just dont really feel like playing Windwaker right now, because collecting triforce peices is boring.... I actually put Smash Bros. and Metroid Prime 2 in for a little run-and-play. My friend stayed last night and we played some Halo and Halo 2.... I'm a master of Halo, but he definately beats me at Halo2.... We balance each other out.... I can't wait until Twilight Princess comes out.... and soon the Revolution!
DS Again?
by Odgiek18 on Comments
Scratch That
by Odgiek18 on Comments
Ok....I'm finally back. I know it's been a while since I've updated a lot and i just want to say, it's mainly because of games! i put the Xbox back in my brothers room, and let him have the DS... (I don't play it that much) So now I'm back with my Gamecube again, and I couldn't be happier! I'm looking for the triforce shards on Windwaker and my Animal Crossing town is doing great1 I had to use almost all of my revolution funds on a yearbook, but I'm saving up again!
Windwaker Status: Looking for Triforce Shards
Animal Crossing Debt: 280,000
Revolution Funds: $21.57
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