I just got it a few days ago and my first basketball game as well...it was pretty hard till I got used to the button release and learned its easier to set up plays and pass to get the basket instead of just running tp the basket every time
OfficerLeach_'s forum posts
Im glad 1 million people and counting are not worried about these pointless threads and long lists of lies(or overinflated/exaggerated numbers) and opinions that all the lems are freaking out about on SW...can yall stop crying now? I am curious how the One will sale though? I think it will fine also because the amount of casuals who dont keep track of the numbers, hardware, or whatnot.
@caseyjuly: yea the largest amount(almost all) of believible posts/complaints about ps4 failure all point towards amazon...bad batch I suppose
@KHAndAnime: I know first thing I did was test the wobble lol. No wobble on my end as well. Dont try telling that to anyone in SW though lol...my ps4 has been on all day though since 1230am central...no problem whatsoever besides once even after it said my data auto saved on ghost I went to resume and my data was gone but I could mission select that same level? Idk not a big deal and probally just the game. My clan of 200+ has reported no issues on our website or on LINE besides the unfortunate ones who couldnt find/afford one.
@thedork_knight I have a clan of 200+ and everyone who could afford one is here and has no problems(except servers last night) or wobble...oh well to lazy to sit here and argue about games or systems when I could be playing them;) just wanted to let you all know theres no wobble as far as I know. Seeing how I actually have the system im more inclined to beleive with my own eyes. So while you all sit here and complain and fight and argue over meaningless stuff...I got some gaming to do...thats why no ones on this poll or bothering to argue with you whiners today...good day sir;)
@k2theswiss: Leach games lol. Btw everyone I know and myself included who ACTUALLY HAS the PS4 all say they dont have a "wobble" issue whatsoever. So you guys can drop that excuse already.
You mean like knowingly releasing a console with RROD?maybe it's intentional, to make you buy another ps3. knowing sony, they'd do anything for a couple more units of sales. :(
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