OfficerLeach_'s forum posts
[QUOTE="OfficerLeach_"] I can't wait to get my PS4 but everywhere I go the $400 doesn't say there's a controller with it. Like on GameStop bundles it says 460 for whatever game you want with no mention of a controller. The bundles that are 519 however do say the controller is with it with no other explanation for the price increase. So wouldn't this make the ps4 only 50 cheaper or am I'm missing something? Please someone else confirm.lx_theoSee the "Included" section in the document (or the quote of it I already did), a controller is included in the $400 price. It would be insane if they didn't. Thanks, sorry for not paying attention, it's late for me I'm just trying to preorder before I sleep and wanted 2 controllers but didn't need 3 in case I was wrong. Lol sorry bro
To believe in Satan, you must believe in God;if you did believe in God, why would your worship hsi enemy? Out of spite?
It seems all Satanists are just butthurt about getting f*ked over by God.
From what I have been told, Satanist believe their time on earth is controlled by the devil and that he is the "God" of Earth so they think its ok to give into selfish human desires and that if God is really all forgiving then they will still get into heaven. That whole dressing in black robes and sacrificing animals and all that is just for the crazy/confused people.
My past two gf hated it. The first I lived with and played around her and when we fought she'd always try to break my games or console or hide my controllers from me. The 2nd I never once played around but she always referred to me as a "boy" when she seen my headset or games laying out and when we broke up she said she needed a man who did'nt play with kid games. Ouch. My experience with girls and video games has been bad. I need a gamer girl!!
Pretty sure women are more spiteful and evil and deceitful and they are better at hiding it. A man will simply punch you in the face and be done with you. A woman will attack you verbally and psychologicaly and really hurt you deep down.
Also you should take into account the failure rates from 2005-2008 worldwide and how many people re-bought 360's. 04dcarraher
I always find it funny how this isnt brought up more and is always disregarded. Me personally, I bought 4 and 2 still work, Every friend I have has at least bought 2. The most I've heard of that I knew was true was 7.
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