Whats in the BOX!?-Sev7n
OfficerLeach_'s forum posts
Why does he have to say blacks though?[QUOTE="OfficerLeach_"]
It's not a sterotype if its always true. They may not make the majority but the majority of blacks are on it. Maybe its just because I live in low income apartments with a dense black population.
Yea true...pretty rude...not to mention stupid move as a politician...guess he must be so racist he cant help him self. Oh well we already know Obama is getting 99% of the black vote.
It's not a sterotype if its always true. They may not make the majority but the majority of blacks are on it. Maybe its just because I live in low income apartments with a dense black population.
Sony makes crappy tvs now, and their Vaio laptops aren't even in the top 5 for quality.The Vaio brand has always been trash. It is the perfect example of form over function. Ill agree about the laptop, it is really nice looking but doesnt have much of the functions others have but I dont know much about computers at all really. Strangely, I've had many people attempt to trade me what I thought were nicer laptops for mine but I never have. TV is about the same as others imo. I like PS3 over other consoles because of my onine clan I played with for 5 years but I do play 360 exclusives and sometimes the Wii when my gf makes me. Im just a Sony brand slut I guess. The customer service and warranty/protection plans always seem better then other brands though imo.[QUOTE="percech"][QUOTE="OfficerLeach_"]
I like Sony. Got a 46" Bravia, Vaio laptop, and a PS3. I know many people who only buy Sony(occasionally Samsung especially since Sony phones suck) so I doubt it will go under but hey who know.
I like Sony. Got a 46" Bravia, Vaio laptop, and a PS3. I know many people who only buy Sony(occasionally Samsung especially since Sony phones suck) so I doubt it will go under but hey who know.
[QUOTE="OfficerLeach_"]I agree. The thing that concerns me even more about this law being passed is the apathy or unawareness that so many Americans have regarding it.I remember posting this on Nov 5th after the Senate passed the bill and Anonymous posted a video asking americans to rally Nov 5th 2012. Anyone with food rations that would last for more then 7 days or has a armed weapon can be considered a terrorist. Also its targeting certain Christain groups. Reminds me of how the Nazis got started and gained control and brainwashed the people.
Why else would it be passed through during the holidays when people are to busy to take notice? When people caught wind of it passing through the Senate, Obama said he was going to veto it and people calmed down a little about it. He said he was going to veto it...right untill he signed it into law...
I remember posting this on Nov 5th after the Senate passed the bill and Anonymous posted a video asking americans to rally Nov 5th 2012. Anyone with food rations that would last for more then 7 days or has a armed weapon can be considered a terrorist. Also its targeting certain Christain groups. Reminds me of how the Nazis got started and gained control and brainwashed the people.
Researchers are starting to say that 3D causes problem with our brains and eyes over time(like a 3D TV you watch every day)...Ive yet to jump on the 3D bandwagon until they know for sure the effects it has on us humans.
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