Id ban people who have 500 billion posts in hopes they might find something better to do
OfficerLeach_'s forum posts
[QUOTE="OfficerLeach_"]Many women avoid intimacy post-childbirth for a while at least. For the first while because they physically cannot, and a while after that possibly because of stress or being very tired, having a newborn and all. Children put a lot of stress on a relationship and even the strongest families find it taxing to cope for the first while. Unfortunately you got the short end of the stick there, but I would look into getting a custody arrangement, sooner rather than later. It doesn't sound like she's denying he's your son or anything, and I assume your name is on the birth certificate, so go for it asap so she can't say you were a deadbeat/were never around and don't deserve shared custody. He IS your son too, you deserve to see him regardless of whose last name he has.thats how my gf was after she had our son...she avoided intimacy like that and treated me more like a friend...she finally told me she didnt see no ryme or reason in our relationship and gave my son her last I barely see either of them :(
were not involving courts and shes not keeping him from me but we live 45 min apart and both our cars our messed up...but I didnt even see it was the first girl i didnt cheat on or treat bad and also the first time i got dumped
thats how my gf was after she had our son...she avoided intimacy like that and treated me more like a friend...she finally told me she didnt see no ryme or reason in our relationship and gave my son her last I barely see either of them :(
[QUOTE="OfficerLeach_"]I used to say that...but being depressed and suicidal myself I now disagree. When every day is an agonizing burden, how selfish am I being by wanting some peace?My dad killed his self when I was 7...I have no remorse for people who commit suicide...its a selfish act...
Just excuses can always change the outcome and theres so many ways to get out of a bad situaion besides ending your life and not to mention if you are religious like me and beleive in hell then how can you want to take your self from bad to horrible? LIVE YOUR LIFE BE HAPPY...smoke weed that always helps...maybe try going to a random church and talking to someone thier about it even if you never even read the bible...thats what I helps bro...and if you need you can hmu on facebook or IM and I can talk with ya..
[QUOTE="OfficerLeach_"]I'm sorry about that man. :( But a dad who has kids killing himself and a kid killing himself are two very different things. Kids are not responsible for hurting other people's feelings that way.My dad killed his self when I was 7...I have no remorse for people who commit suicide...its a selfish act...
Its sad sure but he killed his self and im sure he hurt his family and friends so really he was the one causing others pain in the sorry this is an issue nondebatable to me...he shouldnt have killed his self and dealt with his problems instead of giving up and taking the easy way out...maybe its just because of my experience with it (2 friends also) but i cant muster up no sympathy for someone who would do that.
My dad killed his self when I was 7...I have no remorse for people who commit suicide...its a selfish act...
[QUOTE="OfficerLeach_"]Lol i know, i've read the other threads where the OP, always gets attacked for saying the truth. And even people who don't game on PC back up PC gamers, because they cave in due to peer pressure.LOL i guess I kind of agree but im trying to get into pc gaming but i cant...anyway...dude the pc gamers are about to attack so im going to leave before they do!
Yea System Wars is kinda like a Frat...they have ideas and opinions that dont really match up to the social masses...*rumble* *rumble* oh no...thier coming...*rumble* THE PC GAMERS ARE COMING!!
LOL i guess I kind of agree but im trying to get into pc gaming but i cant...anyway...dude the pc gamers are about to attack so im going to leave before they do!
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