Well thats terrible...probally some kids though...I cant imagine a grown person falling for a phishing scam if thats what it really is
OfficerLeach_'s forum posts
Its fun playing all my fav old Gameboy Advance and NES/SNES on my EVO:)...i went through all the Final Fantasies and quite a few "weird" japanese games that never came to the US from emualators...wait do emualators count as Mobile gaming or is that cheating lol?
nope more on 360 on then any other system..plenty of polls to prove that go look it up or just play both for 15 min..most ppl on ps3 are on it because they are old school gamers who played ps1 and love the brand and grew up on it and are old enough to have jobs and money now so they dont care paying more money...as for 360 most parents who want a video game system to keep their kids out trouble or out of thier hair and dont know much about video games walk into walmart and see 2 systems next to eachother with basically the same games but ones cheaper..hmmm which do you think theyll choose? exactly...Im not going to argue I know im right so you can keep going if you want...I never said 360 didnt have old people like you and you friends and Ps3 didnt have kids[QUOTE="OfficerLeach_"]
Nice generalization! Im 31 and most of my friends who have 360 are around my age.
In reality, every comunity have kids, being unnable to hear them doesnt mean they are not there. Actually, if internet is any indicator, i would say PSN has the most.
Still dont get your point. I have a job, money and a life. Having a 360 is only a matter of preference. Are you saying that older ppl cant prefer Gears and Forza over Uncharted and GT?
Also are you calling ppl who started playing on PS1 'old school gamers'?? As a big fan of systems like ZX Spectrum 128k, Amiga 500, Nes, megadrive, etc, i find 360 to be my favourite console this gen.
are you really so intent on arguing that you cant see the big picture? Of course theres dif ppl of all ages,races,backgrounds,social classes and all that on either system...I explained why there tends to be an older crowd on ps3 and why there tends to be a younger one on 360...sure theres exceptions with their own prefrences and opinions but that doesnt change the fact that the 360 has way more kids...Ive never heard an 8 or 7 year old that can barely communicate on ps3 besides once...when im playing halo I can barely understand the baby talk half the other players are shouting...seriously wow dude...im doneHe wouldnt make it in a real sport without everyone d-riding him...seriously changing the traveling rules just because he cant quit doing it?
[QUOTE="Chris_Williams"] okay that 12 year old playing thing is getting old, there are immature people across all platforms and i dare you to prove me wrong.PAL360
A lot more on 360 though because parents just buy them the cheapest system(Wii dont count) to shut them up...old school gamers and more mature crowd seem to be on Ps3 but you right you got the annoying screaming kids everywhere
Nice generalization! Im 31 and most of my friends who have 360 are around my age.
In reality, every comunity have kids, being unnable to hear them doesnt mean they are not there. Actually, if internet is any indicator, i would say PSN has the most.
nope more on 360 on then any other system..plenty of polls to prove that go look it up or just play both for 15 min..most ppl on ps3 are on it because they are old school gamers who played ps1 and love the brand and grew up on it and are old enough to have jobs and money now so they dont care paying more money...as for 360 most parents who want a video game system to keep their kids out trouble or out of thier hair and dont know much about video games walk into walmart and see 2 systems next to eachother with basically the same games but ones cheaper..hmmm which do you think theyll choose? exactly...Im not going to argue I know im right so you can keep going if you want...I never said 360 didnt have old people like you and you friends and Ps3 didnt have kids[QUOTE="K-76"][QUOTE="shadowkiller11"]Sony already has the crown in quality and Wii has the crown in sales, simple.javafriek
Quality is subjective, Sales is simplistic. I think the consoles which had the biggest impact in gaming is the Wii for motion control and Xbox 360 for online gaming and the eco-system it brought with it. Sadly there is nothing Sony brought to the table this gen, blu-ray perhaps but it hasn't really changed the face of gaming.
Exactly. If I want to watch a blu ray I will watch it on my blu ray player, not a big selling point. Show me something that makes me want to buy your console sony. Crown in quality? Thats a stretch.Id count quality as in how well the system works and the games for it...last november my Ps3 finally stopped reading disk and despite the fact that I think it was a messed up Black Ops disk fault, it was a launch system...during the lifespan of my launch Ps3 I went through 4 BRAND NEW(dont get used) 360s..My close friend went through 7(used)...as for games thats more opinion of which you like better but this year Id have to say the PS3 won in that area for sure...I will buy a Launch PS4 no problem but the next Xbox will get at least a 3-6 month wait
[QUOTE="Kevz0"]okay that 12 year old playing thing is getting old, there are immature people across all platforms and i dare you to prove me wrong.Pc. Dedicated servers and very few 12 year old kids playing.
A lot more on 360 though because parents just buy them the cheapest system(Wii dont count) to shut them up...old school gamers and more mature crowd seem to be on Ps3 but you right you got the annoying screaming kids everywhere
well its already sold more then all the others so they did something right I guess...im getting it and I have quite a few friends switching over from COD to play it
[QUOTE="OfficerLeach_"]lol I'm sorry but that's just really dumb :PIn middle school me and 2 others sprayed can after can of mace in the air vents and the whole school had to be evacuated because ppl were having bad reactions and all sorts of things...it was really stupid and im lucky I didnt get caught or that would have been quite a few assault charges.
yes..yes it is...i have 100 stupid crazy stories but once I was 17 I joined the army and grew up...now I have a son and a welding job and dont do anything stupid anymore besides occasionaly smoking a bowl on my days off.
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