I caved and finally bought a Vita, it was on sale for 20% off. Also picked up Uncharted for $25, felt pretty good about those purchases. Waiting for more games to be released! Vita is an AMAZING handheld that just needs more games to really excel. I am ashamed at Gamespot for giving Uncharted VITA a 7. How in the hell did it score so low? IT IS UNCHARTED IN THE PALM OF MY HAND!
i was just at Yodobashi Camera Akiba today and there was a group of about 50 guys all sitting around a nintendo zone playing Dragon Quest. And another group of about 20 inside around the other nintendo zone doing the same thing. Handhelds are way more popular in Japan because people like me (I live outside of Tokyo but go to school in Tokyo) have to ride a train for an hour to and from school/work, lots of people ride the train for 2 hours or more a day, pretty perfect oppurtunity to get some gaming or reading done.
Last of us trailer was the best one they had. I can't wait to play this game. I guess this guy would have loved God of War and The Last of Us if they were the first trailers he saw then? What is with these editors all of a sudden hating voilence in video games? These are rated M for a reason people.
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