@verybadperson Because the wii and ps3 are actually well built consoles with a wide variety of games (for all types of gamers) and the online isn't full of shitheads. Xbox is made for (North) Americans. I'm sorry but Halo just isn't good in my opinion.
@babyjoker973 Gamespot gave the games the score they thought they deserved. Let me guess diablo/max Payne 3 should have both gotten a 10 because they are your flavor of the month?
@beanz425 I ain't Trollin twat. Microsoft, banned in their own backyard. Beautiful. It happened in Germany. It sure as hell can happen in America. If it doesn't happen then who knows what can happen when people start figuring out they can steal things from people and get away with it. Kya kya kya kya kya!
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