Lol. Gaming nerds trying to tell a game developer he is wrong. So cute. I am perfectly fine with my PS3. I bought it for $300 and it plays all the latest games. Sure, it doesn't look as good as maxed out PC games. But to be able to see those maxed out PC games you gotta 5x what I spent on the PS3. Not everyone has that kinda cash sitting around to have a game look only a bit better.
So...ps3 gets the expansion for free seeing as it comes out a year later, along with the game. I see no problems here. If its an mmo though I have zero interest.
Glad I saw this. I was gonna buy this next week. I think I'll pick up a different game. Maybe biohazard. Makes me even happier I decided to buy parutena no kagami. Damn I love that game!
Buying items for a video game to play the same levels over again Ina harder stupid. I made a mistake in buying DLC once and never will again. But to buy 1 weapon or piece of armor...stupid. Just. Stupid.
no way, Vanquish is perfect the way it is! It doesn't need multiplayer! MP in that game would be awful, since it's not a huge hit online would just be the people who play that game nonstop and would suck all the fun out of it. I am very happy they didn't put MP in.
I have a pair of 5.1 surround sound headphones, 2.1 speakers, 32inch TV, PS3, PS2, another pair of headphones, all made by Sony. In Japan. Sony has some of the cheaper products. I am very satisfied with all my purchases. And not once did I feel I didn't get my money's worth out of their products. It's a shame to see Sony losing so much money. If they bow out of gaming I will bow out too.
@The_Mighty_KELP I haven't played either of those games because I am not a fan of those games. The most hours I have put into a single player game is Yakuza 4 at 85 hours. and that was a LONG time for me.
I have zero interest in this game. I played diablo 2 and just got bored to death. Or maybe it's bad memories of lending my disc to a friend and he ended up somehow breaking the disc...
Oldboy08's comments