I preordered MGS4 more than half a year before it was released. I felt stupid on the day it was released because I was unaware that they had a special edition which wasn't available when I preordered. So I ended up getting that instead!
if they change the ending, i will never buy anything they make ever again. please dont give in to these ultra whiny fans. this is the way they wanted to end it. if you dont like it, tough f)()king cookies.
Well, call me crazy but Mario Kart, Mario 3D Land and Zelda (the games I own) look pretty awesome IMO. I would imagine if they had better screens, the price of the device would also go up? I do think the Vita looks good, I have played a few demos over the past couple weeks, and am wanting to buy one. Nice to see Gamespot giving the Vita some credit though after what seems like 3 or 4 articles all about the Vita failing.
I plan on getting a Vita when it drops a little in price. I ride the trains for over an hour everyday and I play 3DS everyday while I'm riding the trains. With that said, if I still lived in Canada and had my car, I wouldn't have bought a 3DS and wouldn't consider getting a Vita, I believe this is why PSP and 3DS/DS are so popular here in Japan. Even among adults. In fact today I saw an elderly man (over 70 years old) playing a 3DS on the train. This is just my opinion though. I do play it at home too, but most of the time it's when I ride the trains to school and meeting my friends.
Wait are we really listening to this 'gaikai' loser? I have never heard of him or his crappy service why the hell are we all taking it so seriously? Maybe if it was someone within one of the companies in question then I would start believing. But this guy? COME ON... None of them are bowing out. Sony has been working on PS4 for a while now. I am very glad Sony isn't announcing PS4 yet. Don't rush it because of what Nintendo is doing. Xbox is going to announce their new system *apparently* so obviously they aren't going anywhere. And Nintendos new console is already finished so clearly they aren't going anywhere. So stupid to listen to this no name making asinine statements he doesn't know anything about.
Oldboy08's comments