The future of singleplayer games with big budgets is looking worse and worse by the minute. To think these are the same guys that gave you 100+ hours of gameplay with bauldur's gate 2...
Eh, I'd say it'd be about time. OoT was a great game, but I think it could've been better if the difficulty was increased personally. Beating the game without dying on my first playthrough was pretty surprising.
None of those genres, other than fighting games, interest me at all whatsoever. This is mainly because many of them are worth merely a single playthrough for me, and lack any sort of deep multiplayer (which is what I value the most out of all my games). Don't get me wrong, many single player games are a really great experience the first time you play through them, but in terms of value (that is the amount of gameplay and fun you get per game), most of those genres you named just don't deliver. That is of course unless you're one of those OCD people that must collect EVERYTHING in a single player game, but I don't consider putting myself through that kind of trouble to be fun, seems more like a chore to me.
I didn't think PC gamers really cared much for action adventure games. To me they're worth one playthrough (which these days is worth less and less actual game time due to larger development costs) then I never touch them again.
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