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#1 Olidsc
Member since 2007 • 137 Posts

[QUOTE="wok7"]The Media, manufactures, the Dev's themselves, etc.br0kenrabbit
If that's the case, where are all the PC AA-AAAs coming from? Console devs must be lazy if a dying system can outdo their best!

It's wok7, he's like Nelson on the Simpsons. He just shows up out of nowhere to get his "haha" in, then runs off.

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#2 Olidsc
Member since 2007 • 137 Posts
American culture caters to the lazy. Things that are simple, easy to use, and that provide instant gratification are what's valued for practically every damn product here (including gaming machines), that is why PC gaming looks like it's dying here.
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#3 Olidsc
Member since 2007 • 137 Posts
The BFG of course, or the redeemer.
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#4 Olidsc
Member since 2007 • 137 Posts
After Mass Effect comes out, we'll be able to judge, until then, who knows? Bioware may just work its magic and come out with something amazing. From what I've seen so far though, I'm thinking either Orange Box, Crysis or SMG.
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#5 Olidsc
Member since 2007 • 137 Posts
No console game has ever held my attention for more than a month at most, while PC games like starcraft, which was released almost 10 years ago, I still play to this day. I also love how totally unbiased the TC is, really, he is the purveyor of objective viewpoints. I especially love when people present great games of a specific genre that are incredibly fun, and he just totally dismisses it saying "oh those genres don't count because they sux lololol."
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#6 Olidsc
Member since 2007 • 137 Posts

This is why I will never envy PC gaming.

You'll need a fairly high-end system to make the game look its best. In that regard, Crysis really does embody everything that's both exciting and daunting about PC gaming. A dual-core CPU and the latest generation of video card can run the game at maximum detail settings capably, though you have to lower the resolution a bit to do so. It's doubtful that a system has been built yet that can run the game at ultra-high resolutions with all the graphical sliders maxed out. Dial down the detail settings to high, which is the next-lower setting, and Crysis still blows contemporary games out of the water. Results are a bit mixed at medium and low settings, though. At the lowest detail settings, objects pop in and out with a fair degree of consistency. It's annoying at best and frustrating at worst, as it can impact gameplay. Crysis does support both DirectX 9 and DirectX 10, though the latter requires you run the game using Windows Vista. The visuals in DX9 are impressive, but they really come to life in DX10, provided you have the hardware.

I will never have to wonder if a game released on any of the consoles will look their best or be at its "highest settings."


Ego trip much?

I guess the knowledge that everyone can experience the game the same way is too much to ask for? Instead you have a small minority who will be playing a better version of the game than others.

Yeah sorry, doesn't appeal to me. I can play Bioshockon 360knowing its the game I was supposed toexperience and enjoy it on the same level as everyone else. None of this "will my hardware run it" craziness on the PC.

It completely depends on what you feel you were "supposed" to experience. If a few extra trees and a few pretty water reflection effects are really that important to you, then I don't know what to say. I generally judge games based on gameplay. The eye candy of a game may be amazing for about the first 10-15 minutes, but I personally stop really noticing it and pay more attention to enjoyable the game is.

edit: and as vandal pointed out, a console's "highest settings" still aren't the highest settings a decent gaming PC can give you. Why take pride in being offered the "highest settings possible" when the highest settings possible aren't guaranteed to be that great in the first place? In a year's time, being offered great graphics by the 360 will be like winning a gold medal at the special olympics. Yeah, it's the "best" you can get, but that doesn't mean it won't get totally outclassed elsewhere. All you're taking pride in is that no one else out there has received a better visual experience, and that's honestly a pretty pathetic argument. Do you choose to never ever buy a car because someone else out there has a ferrari?

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#7 Olidsc
Member since 2007 • 137 Posts

This is why I will never envy PC gaming.

You'll need a fairly high-end system to make the game look its best. In that regard, Crysis really does embody everything that's both exciting and daunting about PC gaming. A dual-core CPU and the latest generation of video card can run the game at maximum detail settings capably, though you have to lower the resolution a bit to do so. It's doubtful that a system has been built yet that can run the game at ultra-high resolutions with all the graphical sliders maxed out. Dial down the detail settings to high, which is the next-lower setting, and Crysis still blows contemporary games out of the water. Results are a bit mixed at medium and low settings, though. At the lowest detail settings, objects pop in and out with a fair degree of consistency. It's annoying at best and frustrating at worst, as it can impact gameplay. Crysis does support both DirectX 9 and DirectX 10, though the latter requires you run the game using Windows Vista. The visuals in DX9 are impressive, but they really come to life in DX10, provided you have the hardware.

I will never have to wonder if a game released on any of the consoles will look their best or be at its "highest settings."


Ego trip much?

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#8 Olidsc
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I like FPS because it gives even a noob player a chance to kill some pros. Not like RTS where its very degrading to lose consistantly until you get halfway decent.

You probably won't miss much with Crysis multiplayer.


Really that only applies to some of the newer more "casual friendly" team based FPS games. Back in ye olden days of Quake and UT, a single good player could absolutely destroy a n00b, denying him of every weapon on the map and just constantly instakilling him as soon as he spawns.

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#9 Olidsc
Member since 2007 • 137 Posts

[QUOTE="dracula_16"]Have fun paying $2000 for one game.br0kenrabbit
As if Crysis is all we have. Have you been paying attention these past few months and years? And try $1200 ground-up.

Didn't you read his sig though? He's a 100% unbiased gamer, therefore he can't be lying!

Also I wonder what the score would've been had say Jeff G. reviewed it...

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#10 Olidsc
Member since 2007 • 137 Posts
The SSBB hype is nothing compared to that of Halo, so I don't expect massive, massive sales on the first day like Halo, but I do think SSBB will probably overtake Halo eventually due to the wii's install base eventually dwarfing that of the 360's.