The only thing it shows is that I've followed Warcraft since O&H. I like new games and frequently play new titles. I agree and disagree with changes in the industry and yes, it's not always for the worst. But, WoW is a title that lost it's originality a long time ago and if you don't see that, you're part of the 8 million people I feel sorry for.
This game hasn't been the same since BC came out. The only thing that could possibly give a future to this franchise is Warcraft 4. The likeliness of that happening; pretty ****ing low. I feel sorry for the 8 million people who still play this trash.
@SkarpHedin AH, better crafting system, runed abilities, hotkey bar(not including the crappy F key one) Yeah, i remember all that from the d1 and d2. oh wait... See what I did there? ;)
@grove12345 How is it any different? lol it's the same as WC1 and 2 except it looks better. Just like they did with SC and Diablo. Clearly your age has caught up to you.
Ometh's comments