ya, i see that, i'm guessing that there may be some optimization issues with the initial drivers on various system configs.
like i said, Nurien, was different every time i ran it, though the numbers were similar, I would have expected closer results on a couple of the tests I ran, on one test, I think I got a 36 avg, 61 max, and 21 min then on one I think i got 41 avg, 68 max, and 24 min. this doesn't include when i overclocked to test, that time was higher than the rest.
this leads me to believe that my cpu took a chunk of the load, because I did not change the gpu settings.
in your case, i would expect that the normal gpu load went your primary card, and the physX calcs went to your secondary card, which could be, and my advantage could be my quad core...
i'm sure nvidia will have more info in the next few days after they here about peoples varying experiences
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