Onetouchable's forum posts
and halo doesn't deserve to be there at is most definitely not one of the top 10 most important games...
is there any proof to show that the pic is real?Silenthps
well cant you just see how incredibly official the characters look? :roll:
[QUOTE="UrbanSpartan125"][QUOTE="Chris72b9"]Well there are some factors here to consider. No doubt the U.S. would win....hands down. The question is, how bad would they beat Canada? If this war were to take place right now (let's say any military involvement anywhere else is done) and the U.S. is 100% focused on Canada, and vice-versa. The U.S. would win in a good quick fight (maybe a few months). Now, if this was 10 years from now, I'd expect the U.S. to completely overtake Canada in a matter of a week or two. There is a reason for all that military $$funding$$ that the U.S. has. mindbender244trust me it would be much quicker then a few months, i would say 4-5 weeks, if they didnt surrender.
Actually it could take many, many months to capture Canada entirely. Canada is the second largest country in the world, and we'd (canada, where I'm from) be able to set up bases in remote locations. They wouldn't last very long (because of satelites) but it would be hard to capture everysingle square kilometre of Canada.
heh...who would honestly want to.
I figure the US would just take the southern half of canada...and leave the rest alone, no point in taking all that land if chances are there's not much you could do with it.
there's nothing like hearing one coming up while you're in first...stopping...and having it hit the person.
CoD 2 on veteran was pretty annoying though.
especially this part where there was an ambush and you had to wait for your teammate to blow open the door.
it was annoying largely because everytime you started over you heard the same dude yelling "Ambush!" and the same dude yelling at you to find cover.
The game doesn't kill the system. The 360 kills itself. I'm on my second 360, and I am encountering a lot of performance issues on games that never had problems before. It will probably break down in about two more months.
Now I understand why Microsoft named it the Xbox 360. Because once you buy it, you'll do a 360 back to the store to return and get another one.
that'd be a 180
360 would be a complete circle.
although all my friends are getting my for my birthday is VC I'll get plenty more :)
I'm excited.
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