[QUOTE="Homesrfan"][QUOTE="manningbowl135"] No AAA 3rd party games have been announced for the Wii yet.
That's awesome that you can see into the future. Have you told anyone besides us about your powers yet?
Developement takes time. I would imagine a lot of developers started to make games after Wii's success. It hasn't even been a year yet. In time, more announcements will come I'm sure. As for now, the lineup is looking pretty good.
Sheep are doing the same thing to...looking into the future, hoping they get good 3rd party support when the truth of the matter (IMO) is that it's not coming. Developers will continue to litter the Wii with...well...litter, and the PS3/360 will get the more big budget games because their install base will always be bigger (and devs can develop for both systems) and they are not limited by massively underpowered hardware.
the 360/PS3 base will always be bigger?
seems sheep aren't the only ones looking into the future.
and if developers were developing big budget titles for the wii...wouldn't those take longer to develop? meaning longer until they're announced?
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